Uch before
1 what do you know about the Kazakh language? Discuss your ideas in pall).
2 Read the text and check your ideas.
KAZAKH is a Turkic language. It contains words from
other Turkic languages, but also some words of Russian
First written form of the Kazakh language was using
the Arabic script
Kazakh is a language with rich history. Let's have a look
at some interesting facts. Can you guess which words
or phrases are missing?
✓ Stan is an ancient Persian word meaning
(1)., and Kazakh means (2)
When the Kazakh khanate split into three
groups in the mid-1400s, each group was
called zhuz, which translates literally as (3) ...
✓ The traditional nomad home of the Kazakhs
is known as a yurta. Its name comes from the
Kazakh word meaning (4)'...
Kazakhstan's national dish is beshbarmak, which
literally means (5):.' because of the way it is
traditionally eaten.
Kyz kuu is a Kazakh competition in which a young man on horseback pursues a young woman
riding in front of him. The competition's name means (6)
3 Read the text again and complete it with the words and expressions A-F.
A adventurer B hundred C land D family E five fingers F catch that girl
1) Поднесите левую руку козырьком к глазам.
2) Прижмите правую руку ко лбу.
3) Поскребите подбородок.
4) Сложите руки на груди.
5) Сведите вместе брови.
6) Кивните головой.
7) Коснитесь кончика носа большим пальцем руки.
8) Зачешите волосы наверх.
9) Укажите на дверь указательным пальцем.
10) Идите к двери на цыпочках.
11) Коснитесь открытой ладони.
12) Покачайте указательным пальцем предупреждая.
13) Обопритесь лбом о тыльную сторону левой ладони.
14) Прислоните большие пальцы к вискам.