Uchi.ru ( 8 класс Какие прилагательные описывают сестру Элис ?
I get on really well with my sister paris. we have a lot in common. despite this, she is very shy. sometimes she does out with me and my friends. she keeps silent most of the time, but she seems to enjoy the company. she is never rude. she always offers her seat to elderly people in public transport. apparently, she cares a lot about people around. sometimes she can be really stubborn. we can spend hours arguing about films we are going to watch or places we want to visit. 1)sensitive 2)polite 3)shy 4)rude 5)stubborn
New Year is the most long-awaited (долгожданный) holiday. Many people associate it with magic and gifts. First of all it is surrounded by the wonderful smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, which helps to create a festive mood (праздничное настроение). People of all ages truly (искренне) believe that in New Year their goals (цели) and wishes will come true.
перевод:Новый год – это самый долгожданный праздник из всех. У многих людей он ассоциируется с волшебством и подарками. Во-первых, это всегда неповторимый аромат мандарин и новогодней ели, что создаёт праздничное настроение. Именно в Новый год люди всех возрастов искренне верят в то, что все их заветные цели и мечты сбудутся.
During the holidays, the child rests, relaxes and forgets absolutely everything that he learned for a whole year at school.All the same, after each subsequent quarter, it becomes more and more difficult for children to learn. After spring break, when students are supposed to come to their classes fresh and rested, we see tired, tortured children.Regular schools do not provide children with enough knowledge, and some schools operate on an outdated and boring curriculum.So I came to the conclusion that if you shorten the holidays it will not lead to success.