forms of it (Present, Past or Future) and explain why you think so:
Эта традиция рас по всему миру.
Маленькая деревня была разрушена во время войны.
Радуга образована при смеси цветов.
Несколько священников (priest) были похоронены около церкви.
Законы будут соблюдаться всеми жителями нашего города.
Task 2 Change these sentences from Active into Passive and indicate what forms of Passive Voice
you use:
The Parliament will make new laws.
The teacher mixed up the students’ tests.
When I’m away my friends look well after my plants.
We respect the old gentleman very much.
They brilliantly performed the play.
Task 3 Study the information at p.71 about “to be made of” and “to be made from”. What will you
use in the sentences? Put A or B:
A) be made of
B) be made from
Стол сделан из дерева.
Мороженое делают из сливок и сахара.
Эти торты испекут из муки высшего сорта.
Это платье сшито из шелка.
V1 V2 V3
write wrote written писать
stand stood stood стоять
understand understood understood понимать
win won won выигрывать
swim swam swum плавать
send sent sent посылать
spend spent spent тратить
put put put класть
let let let позволять,сдавать
meet met met встречать
1 Yes, I think that society become more violent because mass media spoil mental people's health
2 They think that it's interesting for people to watch serials or films that propagandize violence
3 I have seen films that have a lot of violence and I didn't enjoy it. They have too much influence on my mental health
4 Such games that directed to a slew of animals or people influence on mental health too. There were cases then ill persons kill people after they had played such games
5 No, I don't play such games