К сожалению я не знаю про денги, ну может это пригодиться...A bad workman alwaysblames his tools.У поганого майстра поганапилка.A bag of bones. Аж кістки світяться.A bird may be known by itssong.Чути птаха по голосу.A cat in gloves catches nomice.Любиш кататися — любиі саночки возити.A chain is no stronger thanits weakest link.Де тонко, там і рветься.A friend’s frown is betterthan a foe’s smile.Краще гірка правда, ніжсолодка брехня.A gift in the hand is betterthan two promises.Краще синиця в жмені,ніж журавель у небі.A great ship asks deepwaters.Великому кораблю — вели-ке плавання.A little bird told me. Сорока на хвості принесла.A man is known by thecompany he keeps.Скажи мені, хто твій друг,і я скажу, хто ти.A sound mind in a soundbody.У здоровому тілі здоровийдух.Actions speak louder thanwords.Не за словами судять, а заділами.All weeds grow apace. Бур’ян завжди добре росте.As like as two peas. Як дві краплі води.As old as the hills. Старе, як світ.As pale as a ghost. Блідий, як смерть.As snug as a bug in a rug. Тепло, світло і мухи не ку-сають.At the ends of the earth. У чорта на болоті.Bad news has wings. Погані чутки на крилахлетять.Baker’s dozen. Чортова дюжина.Be in the wrong box. Бути не у своїй тарілці(почуватися незручно).Beauty is only [but] skindeep.Ззовні мило, всередині —гнило.Before you know where youare.І охнути не встигнеш.Best defense is offence. Напад — кращий від обо-рони.Better a little fire to warmus, than a great one to burnus.Хорошого — потроху.Better be the head of a dog,than the tail of a lion.Краще бути першим середостанніх, ніж останнімсеред перших.Better one-eyed than stoneblind.Із двох бід вибираютьменшу.Betwixt and between. Ні се, ні те.
1. There is a wonderful small computer in _ front of the books there.
2. Where is the soup? - The soup is in the big saucepan on the gas cooker.
3. Where are the cutlets? - The cutlets are in the refrigerator on the little plate.
4. There is no _ bread on the table. Where is the bread?
5. There is a little brown coffee table in our _ room in _ front of the sofa.
6. Where is the table in your _ room?
7. There is a thick carpet on the floor in my mother's _ room.
8. Is your brother at _ home? - No, he is at _ work. He works at a big factory. He is an engineer .
9. My sister has many _books. The books are in the big bookcase.
10. The weather is fine today. Let's go and play in the yard. There are many _ children in the yard. They are playing with a ball.