Умоляю надо перевести текст -, доктор. -добрый день. чтослучилось? ты заболел? ты выглядишь ужасно. -да. у меня болит голова инасморк. -какая у тебя температура? -38 -ты кашляешь? (сейчас) are you ? -да. я кашляю.( сейчас) уменя болит горло. - это простуда. - следует мне остаться дома? -да. тебе не следует ходить в школу. ты должен приниматьлекарства и пить теплый(warm) чай. я надеюсь, ты скоро поправишься.
-Good afternoon. What happened? Are you sick? You look awful.
-Yes. I have a headache in my nose.
-What's your temperature?
- Are you coughing? (Now) Are you ing?
-Yes. I cough. (Now) I have a sore throat.
"It's a cold."
"Should I stay at home?"
-Yes. You should not go to school. You must take medicine and drink warm (warm) tea. I hope you get better soon.
-Good afternoon. What happened? Are you sick? You look awful.
-Yes. I have a headache in my nose.
-What's your temperature?
Are you coughing? (Now) Are young?
-Yes. I'm coughing. (Now) I have a sore throat.
"It's a cold."
"Should I stay at home?"
-Yes. You should not go to school. You must take medicine and drink warm tea. I hope you get better soon