well, i went to sochi this summer. this is the south of russia. and i was excited to go there at last.
i traveled by train and it took 2 days to get long to get there, so i was exhausted after the road. but felt much better when warm sun rays touched my face.
we stayed at the 3 star hotel. it was modest but contemporary and cozy. to add to this, breakfast was included , that's why we hadn't got any problems to eat.
every other day i went to the clear sandy beach by the black sea. i really missed the sea. the weather was really hot (about plus 30-35 degrees) , also it was pretty warm at night too, so i didn't have any desire to go home anymore! needless to say, i tried to sunbathed quite carefully , coz i beware to get burn. some day we took an unfogettaable sightseeing to mountains of sochi. it took all day long but it was worth doing that. firstly that was off road and then we were climbing on the mountains to have a great view of the nature. on the top of the mountain we could see the most amazing landscapes, forests, rivers, waterfalls and ancient stones of sochi! it was very exciting to realize how small you are among this wild nature. after that we were offered to taste delicious local wine . certainly, i took lots of pictures there , which i will keep many many years. by the way, plenty of other people of different nationalities climbed there too.
well, i spent in sochi a month swimming, sunbathing, walking, sightseeing, playing table tennis and riding a bike. it seems me to get even younger!
eventually, if some day you are in russia you will have to definitely to go to sochi. that's awesome city with friendly people and picturesque places. i never felt better before and i'm happy to get there one day!
Thancksgiving начался как праздник Thancksvigin почти четыреста лет ago.in 1620 религиозная община плыли через океан Stlantic поселиться в новом мире. Они поселились в то, что сейчас известно как состояние Массачусетский .The первой зимы в Америке difficult.They прибыл слишком поздно, чтобы вырастить богатый урожай .Morever половину колонии умерли от болезней .the следующей весной ирокезы undians учил их, как ggrow кукуруза. Индейцы показали им также, как выращивать другие культуры и как охотиться и ловить рыбу. Осенью 1621they получил прекрасный урожай кукурузы ячменя бобов и тыквы. Колонист было много, чтобы быть благодарными, чтобы они запланировали праздник .local начальника и индийские ninetyl индианс присутствовали .the колонисты узнали от индийцев, как готовить клюкву и блюда из кукурузы и тыквы. В последующие годы многие колониста праздновать урожай с праздником После Unated состояний gaind idependence Конгресс рекомендовал один раз в год день thanksviging для всей страны .later Георг Вашингтон saggested дата 26 ноября Thangsgiving день. Тогда после гражданской войны Авраам Линкольн предложил последний четверг ноября будет день thancksvigiving. На thancksgiving день члены семьи собираются в доме старшего родственника, даже если они живут далеко. все дают thancks для everythin хорошо они .Charittable организации предлагают традиционную еду бездомным
how i spent my summer (composition)
well, i went to sochi this summer. this is the south of russia. and i was excited to go there at last.
i traveled by train and it took 2 days to get long to get there, so i was exhausted after the road. but felt much better when warm sun rays touched my face.
we stayed at the 3 star hotel. it was modest but contemporary and cozy. to add to this, breakfast was included , that's why we hadn't got any problems to eat.
every other day i went to the clear sandy beach by the black sea. i really missed the sea. the weather was really hot (about plus 30-35 degrees) , also it was pretty warm at night too, so i didn't have any desire to go home anymore! needless to say, i tried to sunbathed quite carefully , coz i beware to get burn. some day we took an unfogettaable sightseeing to mountains of sochi. it took all day long but it was worth doing that. firstly that was off road and then we were climbing on the mountains to have a great view of the nature. on the top of the mountain we could see the most amazing landscapes, forests, rivers, waterfalls and ancient stones of sochi! it was very exciting to realize how small you are among this wild nature. after that we were offered to taste delicious local wine . certainly, i took lots of pictures there , which i will keep many many years. by the way, plenty of other people of different nationalities climbed there too.
well, i spent in sochi a month swimming, sunbathing, walking, sightseeing, playing table tennis and riding a bike. it seems me to get even younger!
eventually, if some day you are in russia you will have to definitely to go to sochi. that's awesome city with friendly people and picturesque places. i never felt better before and i'm happy to get there one day!