Underline the correct item. 1 That's the house where / which I grew up.
2 That's the woman who's / whose son won
the Gold Medal.
3 This is the car which /who belongs to my
4 He is the actor who whom won the
Academy Award
5 The girl which whom you met at the party
is my sister
6 The reason which / why I didn't call you
was because I came home late.
7 Tina will always remember the day when /
where she graduated.
8 The house which/where was broken into
is my uncle's
9 The hotel where that we stayed was near
the beach
10 I'll never forget the day whom / when I got
11 A butcher is someone whose / who sells
12. The earrings which / who she gave me
were very expensive.
13 That's the reason why / which she left early,
14 Jenny is the girl who which won the
2) Обучение в России осуществляется в больших классах (25-30 человек), в результате не все школьники получают достаточно внимания со стороны учителей. В английских частных школах, как правило, маленькие классы (15 - 20 человек), что обеспечивает более индивидуальный подход.
3 В Англии в старшей школе (A-levels, IB) учащиеся изучают только те предметы, которые они сами выбрали. В России некоторые предметы, преподаваемые в выпускных классах, являются обязательными.
4) В английской системе образования в старших классах (A-levels, IB) школьные предметы изучаются более углубленно. Английские школьники имеют возможность выбрать интересующие их предметы уже в 14 лет, что является предпосылкой для раннего определения целей и планов на будущее. Обучение в старших классах предполагает много самостоятельной работы
1)их основе лежит классно-урочная форма, введенная Яном Амосом Коменскии
31. Where are you?32. Are you at home?33. Are you on the street?34. What are you doing on the street?35. Where is the store?36. Is there a shop somewhere?37. What floor is the store?38. Do you still have a headache?39. What is your phone number?40. Does Vasya have a car? 41. I do not have time.42. There is no time to walk.43. I'm not in London, I'm in Moscow.44. I do not have a car.45. Vasya does not have a car.46. We do not have time, we went by taxi.47. I do not like this book.48. We are not alike.49. There are no apples in the basket.50. Cud without sugar. 51. I'm thirsty.52. I'm running late.53. I'm ready.54. It's already night in the yard.55. Sorry for being late.56. Vasya is sick.57. I like it.58. It's funny!59. I'm tired.60. I'm frozen.
61. Where have you been?62. Where is he?63. When will you come?64. Who are you by profession?65. What do you do?66. What are you doing?67. Where are you from?68. How are you?69. Do you have time to help me?70. What for? 71. It's free.72. Admission is free.73. There is no use in this.74. It's useless.75. Is there a reason?76. It's easy!77. It's very difficult!78. Interesting!79. There is no way out of this situation.80. I have many problems. 81. Victory is ours!82. Moscow is behind us!83. We do not have sugar.84. There is no sugar in the store.85. There is no sugar in the soda water.86. Vasya is proud of his success.87. How is your progress?88. He was accompanied by success.89. This play was a great success.90. He is making progress.