Упр 1,2стр112читать ,переводить,новые слова записывать в словарь,упр.3стр.113письменно.Упр1,стр.114 (записать в справочник и грамматику запомнить).упр.2,стр114 письменно,упр.6 стр115 письменно, остальное устно. Все сноски тоже записать в словари.
В конце октября дни становятся короче, а ночи становятся длиннее. Это холоднее и темнее и холодные ветры. Листья падают с деревьев.Год заканчивается, и все умирает. Приближается зима, с ее длинными темными ночами. Люди остаются дома по вечерам и в выходные дни. Это время Хэллоуина. Хэллоуин великий праздник. Хэллоуин конец осени и начало зимы. В этот праздник был время страха. Люди верили в призраков и ведьм, и они остались дома. В Хэллоуин призраки мертвых, и все ведьмы в мире ехал в небе на своих метлах. Многие страны отмечают Хэллоуин, но по-разному. Люди приглашают своих родственников и друзей, чтобы Хэллоуин сторон и отправить пригласительные билеты.
If I ruled the world, I would make all people around the world to pay attention on ecology problem and creating new technologies. I suggest they are closely associated with each other. People, who are very curious and greedy by the nature, always try to interfere in mechanism of life and process functioning on the Earth, to get or to make up new type of endless energy, to get superior or to become immortal. There is no doubt, it will have a positive result for humanity, bur for the nature it will be in a different way. To begin with technologies those have harmed both nature and humility at the moment.In the 20th century people found new type of energy and its application. Nuclear weapon, nuclear power plant became the first step to launch a mechanism of planet destroying. Countries, who had got nuclear arms, began to experiment it in the outer space, destroying our planet protect shield and making ozone holes unconsciously. To sum up global warming appeared. Nuclear disaster in Japan and Chernobyl, giving the same status as world problems, is not an exception. In the issue them a great number of people were killed and large surface of the Earth were infected. That`s not the half of it.Oil is resource of the Earth, which we used for destroying our planet too. Cars which are working on gasoline, every day secrete million tons of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, which create greenhouse effect. This is the second reason of global warming.Large Hadron Collider has very large and terrible name, as I think.This thing is really dangerous. Scientists say that if it is accident till elementary particle will be running, it will create black hole, which will bring to destruction of the Earth and the Universe. But if it isn’t happened, humility will get new type of energy or something else.By the other hand, there are good deal countries, which try to renew natural resources, to use them carefully or in other way. They develop such technologies, which don’t nave dab influence on the nature: wind-powered stations or which work on the solar energy, and of course cleaning buildings. I suggest that all people from pupil till aged people have ever bedded tree into the soil. This is donation to renewing too, but smaller. My Biology teacher said me that we should thing global, but should act local, because everything starts with the little.In conclusion I want to say than it is necessary that we should not live only by our life, but also Mother Nature life, that gave us life and opportunity to live. Nobody don’t tell what will be in the future but it is high time we took care of our planet, until it will be late. And last one, everything must be within reasonable limits.