Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present PerfectContinuous в соответствии с его формулой утвердительного предложения.
Children … (watch) TV for two hours.
Ann … (sleep) since 10 am.
I … (know) her since the primary school.
They … (do) the science project for three hours.
All these days he … (talk) about his new plan.
Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present PerfectContinuous в соответствии с его формулой отрицательного предложения.
Here is Mrs. Brown who we … (not speak) about for a long time.
You … (not live) in Vikhorevka for five years.
He … (not sit) here all the time.
Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long.
It … (not to rain) since afternoon.
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present PerfectContinuous в соответствии с его формулой во предложения.
She … (teach) for ten years?
I … (wait) her since 4 pm?
He … (read) for two hours?
She … (listen) to music since morning?
The boys … (play) football since 6 o’clock?
Schools in England are different from our educational institutions but speaking in terms of home and school studying, we can mostly find only similarities here. The biggest difference between home and school education is that a child is not able to communicate with his classmates at home. Here we are talking about social communication skills, which develop well only when a person goes to school. There are two advantages for home-schooled children: they don't have to wear a uniform, and they don't need to take a bus to go to school because they stay at home all the time. Home study in England is almost the same as in our country. Children there also can choose which subjects they prefer to learn. School rules abroad are similar to our because children are not allowed to have their phones in classes, they must be at school at 8.30 am. Though when you study at home you have no rules. That is why most children are happier being educated at home.
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ответ: 5. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp displacement (rise or fall) of a section of the sea floor. Tsunamis are formed by an earthquake of any strength, but those that occur due to strong earthquakes (with a magnitude greater than 7) reach a large force.
6. The best defense against a tsunami is to climb as high as possible.
Объяснение: 5. Причиной большинства цунами являются подводные землетрясения, во время которых происходит резкое смещение (поднятие или опускание) участка морского дна. Цунами образуются при землетрясении любой силы, но большой силы достигают те, которые возникают из-за сильных землетрясений (с магнитудой более 7).
6. Лучшая защита от цунами - это поднятся как можно выше.