Упражнение 14. Передайте следующие повелительные предложения в косвенной речи. 1. The teacher said to me, «Hand this note to your parents, please.» 2. Oleg said to his sister, «Put the letter in an envelope and give it to Kate.» 3. «Let us help Henry with this work,» said Robert. 4. «Please bring me some fish soup,» he said to the waitress. 5. «Don’t worry over such a small thing,» she said to me. 6. «Please don’t mention it to anybody,» Mary said to her friend. 7. «Promise to come and see me,» said Jane to Alice. 8. He said, «Let us come here tomorrow».
2.They aren’t very high because the mountains were destroyed by the action of water, sun and air.
3. Because the greatest deposits of ores came to thesurface of the Earth.
4.It began during the time of Peter the First. Russia exported metal at that time.
5. Near the mountain Magnitnaya.
6. Shortage of coal.
7. Seventy different metals and minerals were discovered in the Urals.
8. Some of the deposits are exhausted, and the plants work on the ore from new layers (Kazakhstan, Siberia).
9.Yes, he does. I also hope that the region will have new stages of development.
New Year is a wonderful winter holiday. On New Year's Eve, everything seems mysterious, fabulous and magical.
I love the New Year because it is at this time that miracles happen and dreams come true. This is a family holiday. On New Year's Eve, I decorate the Christmas tree, help my mother set the table, decorate the house. On New Year's Eve, people go out into the street and admire the bright and unforgettable show - fireworks, which gives everyone an elevated festive mood. To celebrate the New Year, close relatives and beloved friends gather at our home, we give each other gifts, dance near an elegant Christmas tree and sing New Year's songs.
перевод:Новый год - замечательный зимний праздник. В новогоднюю ночь всё кажется таинственным, сказочным и волшебным.
Я люблю Новый год за то, что именно в это время случаются чудеса и сбываются мечты. Это семейный праздник. В Новый год я наряжаю ёлку маме накрывать на стол, украшаю дом. В новогоднюю ночь люди выходят на улицу и любуются ярким и незабываемым зрелищем - салютом, который дарит всем приподнятое праздничное настроение. На встречу Нового года у нас дома собираются близкие родственники и любимые друзья, мы дарим друг другу подарки, танцуем возле нарядной ёлки и поем новогодние песни.