Упражнение 29. Вставыте артикли a/an, the uли -. What (1) beach? beautiful day today! Why don't we go to (2) - Yes, but (3) at (4) beach is always being crowded! Let's stay garden. We can have (6) home and sit in (5) lunch there. But I want to go out. I start (7) this is (8) Well, let's go out tonight. There's (9) (10) - О. К английским
В выходные, я шла по магазинам с родителями. Там мы купили украшения для нового года. Потом мы поехали в кинотеатр. Там мы смотрели классный фильм Моана. Было очень интересно! Мне очень понравилось, Потом мы поехали домой и поставили ёлку. Было очень красиво! Это самый лучший день в моей жизни!
I haven't heard from you for a long time. How are you there? Last time you wrote, you asked for advice how to spend a weekend. Well, my family and I usually go for a picnic if we have a lot of free time. We can go fishing and swim there too because we usually go to the river. Cooking and eating in the fresh air are a great pleasure too! We can also play badminton or cards, or just sunbathe if it is hot and sunny. I cannot say we go often for picnic. I sometimes have to stay at work or have a lot of housework to do. If we don't go for a picnic, we often spend a quiet day at home. We just eat, watch TV and relax. It is not so exciting as a picnic, but we sometimes need just a little rest at home. Write about yourself and family. I hope you are doing fine.
Love to you all,