Use of English Task 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to don't have to 1 Gulnar 2. Footballers 3. Teacher be polite to customers. She is a cashier be fast and work on Sundays.пра футболиста
Mr Otis bought Canterville Chase, and a few weeks later, he moved interthe house with his family. Mr Otis' wife, Lucretia, was a handsome woman and was always in good health. Their eldest son, whose name was Washington, was a fair-haired, good-looking young man. His sister, Virginia, was fifteen. She was stim and beautiful, with large blue eyes. After Virginia came the twins, who were lovely little boys, but they liked to play tricks on people.
However, as they got near to Canterville Chase, the sky became dark and big drops of rain began to fall.
An old woman stood in front of the house.
Her name was Mrs Umney, and she was the housekeeper at Canterville Chase.
"Welcome to Canterville Chase, " she said. "I have tea ready for you in the library. " The family followed her through the large hall into the library.
The library was a long room with a large stained-glass window at one end. There was a dark red stain on the floor near the fire.
"Something has been spilt here, " said Mrs Otis. "Yes, madam, " Mrs Umney said quietly. "That is blood. " "How horrible!" cried Mrs Otis. "I don't want blood on my floors!" Mrs Umney smiled.
Mr Otis bought Canterville Chase, and a few weeks later, he moved interthe house with his family. Mr Otis' wife, Lucretia, was a handsome woman and was always in good health. Their eldest son, whose name was Washington, was a fair-haired, good-looking young man. His sister, Virginia, was fifteen. She was stim and beautiful, with large blue eyes. After Virginia came the twins, who were lovely little boys, but they liked to play tricks on people.
However, as they got near to Canterville Chase, the sky became dark and big drops of rain began to fall.
An old woman stood in front of the house.
Her name was Mrs Umney, and she was the housekeeper at Canterville Chase.
"Welcome to Canterville Chase, " she said. "I have tea ready for you in the library. " The family followed her through the large hall into the library.
The library was a long room with a large stained-glass window at one end. There was a dark red stain on the floor near the fire.
"Something has been spilt here, " said Mrs Otis. "Yes, madam, " Mrs Umney said quietly. "That is blood. " "How horrible!" cried Mrs Otis. "I don't want blood on my floors!" Mrs Umney smiled.
1. В каком классе учились Федька и Костя?
А) В первом Б) Во втором В) В пятом
2. Кто плохо себя вел по мнению ребят?
А) Одноклассники Б) Дошколята В) Девочки
3. Кого увидели ребята во дворе?
А) Дерущихся мальчишек Б)Плачущую девочку
В) Хромающего соседского мальчика
4. Как звали девочку, которую решили защитить ребята?
А) Маша Б) Надя В) Алёна
5. Кто у ребят был первым подозреваемым?
А) Коля Б) Вова В) Петя
6. Куда сбежал от мальчишек первый подозреваемый?
А)Через окно в свою комнату Б) Через забор в свой огород
В) Через ручей в лес
7. Что делала вторая подозреваемая?
А) Прыгала на скакалке Б) Лепила куличики в песочнице
В) Рисовала классики
8. Какое чувство вызвали ребята у второй подозреваемой?
А) Смех Б) Испуг В) Удивление
9. Что на самом деле случилось у расстроенной девочки?
А)У куклы коса оторвалась Б)Мячик потеряла В) Упала и платье порвала
10. Кто посмеялся над горе-воспитателями?