Use still or yet to complete the sentences.
1 I am still doing my homework.
2 Mary hasn’t left for the theatre ___ , she is ___ choosing what dress to wear.
3 Meg doesn’t go to work, she is ___ ill.
4 Don hasn’t recovered ___ . He is ___ in hospital.
5 My uncle hasn’t taken the prescribed medicine ___
6 David is obese but he hasn’t stopped his harmful ways. He is ___ eating junk food.
7 . Doris hasn’t had a rest ___ She is very tired.
1. decorate
2. play
3. have
4. celebrate
5. dance
6. wear
7. sing
1. March
2. Spring
3. May
4. On
5. March
6. Autumn
7. November
8. Summer
1. celebrate
2. has
3. visit
4. give
5. makes
7. dance
8. visits
1. My father cooks turkey.
2. I play an instrumental band.
3. We live in a small village.
4. My parents have a party every year.
5. You ski in January.
6.She walks to school every day.
7.My dog plays football with me.
1.My father doesn't cook turkey.
2.I don't play an instrumental band.
3. We dont' live in a small village.
4. My parents don't have a party every year.
5. You don't ski in January.
6.She doecn't walk to school every day.
7.My dog doesn't play football with me.
1. Who
3. On 15th December
4. Why don't
5. Don't
6. Doesn't metter
7. Why not
Oбъяснение: 7) Это Listening, его невозможно сделать без аудиозаписи
Існує багато речей, які викликають у мене інтерес, проте серед них я хочу виділити малювання простим олівцем та катання на велосипеді.
Малювати я ніколи не вчився. Просто з дитинства в мене добре виходило перемальовувати фігури та обличчя улюблених героїв з мультфільмів та коміксів, а пізніше – обличчя людей з фотографій. Згодом мені стали купувати різні книжки з малювання. Я тренувався малювати на різні теми, проте мені досі цікавіше за все робити портрети простим олівцем. Я малюю не з натури, а з фотографій – сімейних та журнальних. Мені подобається, що під час малювання я залишаюся сам та можу сконцентруватися на тому, що роблю. Цікаво, що хоча це кропіткий, енергоємний процес, поки малюю, я дійсно відпочиваю. Зараз я викладаю фото своїх робіт в інтернет.
Перевод на англ.яз:
There are many things that interest me, but among them I want to highlight a simple pencil drawing and cycling.
I never learned to draw. It's just that as a child I was good at redrawing the figures and faces of favorite characters from cartoons and comics, and later - the faces of people from photos. Later I started buying various drawing books. I trained to draw on various subjects, but I am still most interested in making portraits with a simple pencil. I paint not from nature, but from family and magazine photos. I like that when I draw I am left alone and can concentrate on what I am doing. Interestingly, although it is a painstaking, energy-intensive process, while painting, I really relax. Now I post photos of my work on the Internet.