Jack London became my favourite writer from his first books I'd read. First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventures and hardships, so he knew what he was writing about. In his novel Martin Iden he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!
Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, which exhausted people and made them suffer physically and morally.
Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school, so he studied privately reading much at night.
Jack London became my favourite writer from his first books I'd read. First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventures and hardships, so he knew what he was writing about. In his novel Martin Iden he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!
Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, which exhausted people and made them suffer physically and morally.
Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school, so he studied privately reading much at night.
условные обозначения типа 3
Если вы (чтобы не опоздать) на автобус, вы (чтобы не опоздать) на свою встречу.
Если это (дождь) вчера, то все дороги (перекроют).
Если вы (не отвлекать) меня, я (закончить) мое задание вовремя.
Если наша команда (играет) лучше в обороне, мы (выигрываем) игру.
Я (уведомляю) вас раньше, если я (получаю) электронное письмо от банка.
Я (останавливаюсь) на красный свет, если я (вижу) его.
Дженнифер (чтобы не промокнуть), если она (возьмет) свой зонтик с собой.
Я (покупаю) вам хотя бы небольшой подарок, если я (знаю), что это был ваш день рождения.
Если Джон (пригласит) меня на свою вечеринку, я (буду) там.