Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to make up a dialogue: Tell your partner:
the name of mythical creature and what film, cartoon or book it is from;
where the mythical creature lived;
how it looked like; what it could / couldn't do,
why you like it.
1.He will have been waiting for one hour by the time I meet him.
2. Next month, I will have been working here for 10 years.
3. Lucie and James will have travelling for 2 hours by the time they arrive home.
4. You and I will have studying English for three hours by 6:00 PM.
5. In February, I will have learning English for three months.
6. Will you have waiting for me?
7. Will you have learning English when you go abroad?
8. When you meet John, will he have waitting for you?
9. When I reach the hotel I think he will not have waiting for me!
10. Will he have driving when you see him?
1. Will Ted have been working as an attorney for twenty years by the end of March?
2. Will Jack and Alison have been bulding their house for a year by Easter?
3. By six o'clock in the evening, we will have been waiting for his message for five hours.
Future Perfect Continuous образуется так: В утверждениях - Подлежащее+will+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
в вопросах - Will+подлежащее+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing?
В отрицаниях - Подлежащее+will+not(won't)+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing