Use the following words and word combinations: to buy some popcorn, motion picture
projectors, the foyer, screens, sound-absorbing panels, a summer terrace, a hall, a box office,
a refreshment stand, to buy tickets, to watch a movie trailer, to take a seat, at the front,
in the middle, at the back, exciting, interesting.
Родился в селе Константиново Кузьминского волости Рязанского района, Рязанской губернии, в крестьянской семье.Работал в типографии, был дружен с поэтами Суриковского литературно-музыкального кружка. Есенин отправился в Константиновский сельское училище, по окончании которого в 1909 году начал учебу в церковно-приходской средней школе учителем. После школы, осенью 1912 года Есенин ушел из дома, после прибыл в Москву, работал в мясной лавке, затем в типографии И. Д. Сытина. В 1913 году он поступил вольнослушателем на историко-философское отделение Московского городского народного университета имени А. л. Шанявского.Отец-Александр Никитич Есенин (1873-1931), мать — Татьяна Федоровна Титова (1875-1955). Сестры-Екатерина (1905-1977), Александра (1911-1981).
2) She said she had not been at school yesterday.
3) I thought you would pay for me.
4) He said he would pay for us.
5) He said he had paid for us.
6) Don`t worry, Dad said he had taken the medicine.
7) He said that he would take the medicine in the evening.
8) He takes medicine three times a day after meals.
9) I knew he would keep his promise.
10) He said he would think about it and call Lena later.
11) As soon as I came home I called Nastya and she said she was waiting for my call.
12) We laughed at him when he had said it.
13) Why were you laughing when I came in?
14) When I came, my mother was cleaning the room.
15) He said he had wanted to call me, but then he forgot.
16) I didn`t know where she lived, so I called to her friend.
17) He said he would return in May.
18) I was afraid she would jump off the bridge.