Use the plan below to write a for-and-against essay about whether children should use the Internet. PLAN Introduction: State the topic. Main body: Point for children using the Internet. - Point against children using the Internet Sum up the advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion:
Music for me is magical. Music is what motivates not only me, but also each of us and in some cases makes us move forward to meet our goals. If you want everything to be good, then you need to listen to music. It relaxes, makes the body rest and not only the body, but the soul. With music, you can lie down and disappear. Music is something that can change your mood. You will feel like you are listening to music. It is very important to listen only to the music that makes you laugh. Dancing helps to Express emotions and show all the beauty of our body.
Perhaps the most important reason why I love dancing is self-expression. Each person dances in their own way, each has their own chips, their own improvisation, their own style. Through dance, you can convey any emotion, you can convey the deepest meaning that will make people think .
я думаю что это текст очень познавательный и очень развлекательный его главная мысль это технологии. Я думаю что в будущем технологии будут еще больше развиты и более продвинуты но эти технологии могут и навредить языку это смайлики смайлики могут выразить кратко мысль но это иногда не понятно
I think that this text is very informative and very entertaining its main idea is technology. I think that in the future technologies will be even more developed and more advanced but these technologies can also harm the language these are emoticons emoticons can Express briefly a thought but it is sometimes not clear