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23.11.2021 13:58 •  Английский язык

Use the reported speech and tell malcolm's story on the part of the tell Malcom`s story on the part of Mr. Peppi or one of Malcolm's classmates ( Peterson, Jerome)

текст: Well I came top of the class again. One hundred out of one hundred for Maths. And one hundred out of one hundred for English. There isn't one kid at the class who can come near me. Next to me they are all dumb. Even when I was a baby I was smart. Since then I have always been very advanced for my age. Every year I win a lot of prizes: top of the class, top of the school, stuff like that. I won a prize for spelling when I was only three years old. I am a terrific speller. If you can say it, I can write it. I can spell every word there is. Some kids don't like me; I know it for a fact. They say I'm a show-off. I don't care. They are just jealous because they are not as clever as me. Last week something has happened. Another kid got one hundred out of one hundred for Maths too. That never happened before - no one had ever fone as me. A kid called Jerom Dadian beat me. He must have cheated. I am sure he cheated. It has something to do with that ice cream. I decided to find out what was going on. It all started with the ice cream man, Mr.Peppi. The old fool had a van which he parked outside the school. He sold ice cream, all different types. He had every flavour there is, and some that I had never heard before. He didn't like me very much. He told me off once. "Go to the back of queue, " - he said. "You pushed in." "Mind your own business, Pop," - I told him. "Just hand over the ice cream." "No," - he said. "I won't serve you unless you go to the back." I went round to the back of the van, but I didn't get in the queue. I took out a nail and made a long scratch on his rotten old van. He had just had it painted. Peppi came and had a look. Tears came into his eyes. "You are a bad boy," - he said. "One day you will get into trouble. You think you are smart. One day you will be too smart." I just laughed and walked off. I knew he wouldn't do anything. He was too soft-hearted. He was always giving free ice-creams to kids that had no money. The silly fool. There were a lot of stories going round about that ice-cream. People said that it was good for you. Some kids said that it made you better when you were sick. One of the teachers called it "Happpy Ice Cream". I didn't believe it; it never made me happy. All the same, there was something strange about it. Take Pimples Peterson for example. That wasn't his real name - I just called him that because he had a lot of pimples. One day Peppi heard me calling Pimples that name and gave Peterson a purple coloured ice cream. "Here, eat this," - he said. "I am giving it to you for nothing. It will help you get rid of your pimples." I laughed and laughed. Ice cream doesn't get rid of pimples, it gives you pimples. Anyway, the next day when Peterson he had no pimples. Not one. I coldn't believe it. The ice cream had cured his pimples. I made up my mind to put a stop to this ice cream business. Jerome Dadian had been eating ice cream the day he got one hundred for Maths. It must have been the ice cream making him smart. I wasn't going to have anyone doing as well as me. I was the smartest kid in the school, and that's the way I wanted to stay. I wanted to get a look inside that ice cream van to find out what was going on. I knew where Peppi kept his van at night. So at about eleven o'clock I crept out of the house. There was no one around when I reached the van. I opened the door with a crowbar and shone my torch around inside. I had never seen so many tubs of ice cream before. There was every kind of ice cream you could think of: tasting of apple and banana, cherry and mango, blackberry and watermelon, and about fifty other flavours. Right at the end of the van were four bins with locks on them. Each of them had writing on the top. This is what they said: Happy Ice Cream for cheering people up. Nose Ice Cream for long noses. Pimple Ice Cream for removing pimples. Smart Ice Cream for smart alecks. Now I knew his secret. I decided to fix Peppi up once and for all and put sand into every bin in the van. BUt first I ate some Smart Ice Cream. It couldn't do any harm. Not that I needed it - I was already about as smart as you could get. Anyway, I gave it a try. I left the van and went home to bed, but I couldn't sleep. To tell the truth, I didn't feel too good. So I decided to write this. It iz the nekst day now. Somefing iz hapening to me. I don't feal quite az smart. I have bean trying to do a reel hard sum. It is wun and wun. Wot duz wun and wun make? Iz it free or iz it for?

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08.05.2021 22:03

I don't like to be engaged in house affairs, but it's necessary. Our apartment is large, and our mother can't do everything alone. Of course, it is boring to do household chores, but I do not like to quarrel and upset my parents. I hate washing the dishes. I don't like water the flowers, but it must be done. We distributed the responsibilities at home, and it certainly becomes easier. My sister and I are responsible for cleaning of the rooms. Twice a week we sweep the floor, water our mother's flowers in the pots. It seems they are everywhere: in the kitchen, in the rooms, in the bedroom, in the boxes on the floor. My brother takes out the rubbish and keeps order on the balcony. The carpets are daddy's responsibility. But we enter the kitchen, only to have breakfast-lunch-dinner. This is our mother's territory. We believe that by doing things together, we are real power. A family.
Я не люблю заниматься домашними делами, но это необходимо. Наша квартира большая, и наша мама не может делать все в одиночку. Конечно, это скучно заниматься домашними делами, но я не люблю ссориться и расстраивать моих родителей. Я ненавижу мыть посуду. Мне не нравится поливать цветы, но это нужно делать. Мы распределили обязанности по дому, и конечно, стало легче. Моя сестра и я ответственные за уборку комнат. Два раза в неделю мы подметаем полы, поливаем мамины цветы в горшках. Кажется, они у нас везде: на кухне, в комнатах, в спальне, в коробках, на полу. Мой брат выносит мусор и следит за порядком на балконе. Ковры - это папина обязанность. Но мы заходим на кухню только завтракать-обедать-ужинать. Это мамина территория. Мы верим, что делая всё вместе, мы реальная сила. Семья.

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06.05.2020 09:42

Probably because I like it. Please learn the world of fantasy. I have to pick up a book, and the first word in her know something about what I read.

Probably because since childhood I have read a good book. I remember a fairy tale, I remember the cover of a book with fairy tales ) And still remember how he read me a story about the little Prince, and drew pictures from the book. "We have the answer for those who tamed" - I remember these words from those years when I did not understand all of their essence. When the world I watched the children's eyes.

I read a lot, I was not the school program. A couple of years ago one of my friend showed me a list of books which are a must-read for every person up to the age of 27. I picked up a pen and began to tick off celebrate the books that I read, and in the process of telling the story of each of them. In the end of the entire list of the 27 books, I haven't read 2.

But most of all surprised by my friend that I didn't agree with this list. It lacked many more books that as it seemed to me to be read by everyone.

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