All of us know about problems with our nature. A lot of our modern technologies made our world very dirty and ugly.I want to tell you about it. So, all people now want to do everything faster and to do it well.That's why people made different technologies. They didn't know what a big problem it can do.Different cars plants and factories make our planet ugly. I think it is not very good, because it help only people I don't know why we do this For example I like to help nature, as greenpeace,a one little person can help nature. Now I know that we can do it, that we can protect the world, to make it beautiful.And since this time I wil say all of you -Protect our planet-
Биг Бен - это колокол в часах башни в Лондоне. Имя. Есть две версии происхождения названия башни. По одной из версий Биг Бен назван в честь Сэра Бенджамина Холла, который контролировал работы по отливке колокола. Другая гласит что самый тяжёлый на тот момент колокол (13.7 тонн) был назван в честь Бенждамина Каунта, очень известного в то время боксёра в тяжёлом весе. Строительство. Башня была построена по проекту английского архитектора Огастеса Пьюджина в 1858 году. Первый раз часы завели 21 мая 1859 года. Официально башню назвали "Часовая башня Вестминского дворца". Управление часами. Когда часы на башне спешат или опаздывают (погрешность небольшая - всего лишь 1.5 - 2 секунды), на маятник кладут старый английский пенни. Кладя или убирая монету, смотритель добивается точности механизма. Сейчас Биг Бен - одно из самых известных зданий в Великобритании.Big Ben is a bell in the clock tower in London. Name. There are two versions of the origin of the name of the tower. The first version says that Big Ben was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who ran the casting of the bell. Another says that the heariest bell at the moment (13.7 tonns) got its name after Benjamin County, a very famous boxer in the heavyweight division at the time. Construction. The tower was built on the design of English architect Augustus Pugin in 1858. For the first time the clock was wound on May 21, 1859. Officially, the tower was named as "The Clock Tower of Westminster Palace". Managingthe Clock. When the clock on the tower rush or lag (the error is smal - only 1.5-2 seconds) an old English penny is placed on the pendulum. Putting or a coin the superintendent manages to get the precision of the machinery. Now Big Ben is one of the most famous constructions of the UK.
A lot of our modern technologies made our world very dirty and ugly.I want to tell you about it.
So, all people now want to do everything faster and to do it well.That's why people made different technologies. They didn't know what a big problem it can do.Different cars plants and factories make our planet ugly.
I think it is not very good, because it help only people
I don't know why we do this
For example I like to help nature, as greenpeace,a one little person can help nature.
Now I know that we can do it, that we can protect the world, to make it beautiful.And since this time I wil say all of you -Protect our planet-