Use the words below to form a word that fits in each space: please; short; risk; excite; expense; cost; occasion; sell; impress; worth. cycling in london if you enjoy cycling for ( doing it in london can be a shock. th ere is a serious (2) of lanes especially for bikes, and making your way through the traffi c can be pretty (3) but once you’ve found the courage, cycling in london can be (4) and it is an (5) way of keeping fi t if you live there. some keen cyclists don’t mind spending a lot of money on (6) bikes. however, if you just want a basic bike that is only for (7) use, there are plenty of cheap alternatives. several markets have cheap bikes on (8) which may not be (9) to look at but should be satisfactory. cycling helmets are also a (10) investment.
, . сегодня я хотел(а) бы рассказать, как стать хорошим другом.
для начала нужно найти человека, который вам интересен, и познакомиться с ним. чтобы учучшить ваше общение, нужно быть внимательным к своему другу, учитывать его интересы, ему. нельзя забывать о своем друге или пользоваться им. нужно понимать, что для того, чтобы стать хорошим другом, необходимо проводить вместе много времени, общаться и доверять друг другу.
я уверен(а), что если вы будете следовать моим советам, возможно, вы станете самыми лучшими друзьями!
1. Have you got __any__ English books at home? — Yes, I have ___ some__.
2. There are __ some beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.
3. There is __no___ ink in my pen: I cannot write.
4. I haven’t got ___any__ exercise books. Give me ___ some__, please.
5. You can occupy __any__ room you like.
6. There are _no__ people in the park because it is cold.
7. I saw ___ some___ boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them.
8. There are __ some__ mistakes in your test. — Mistakes? I can’t see __any___.
9. I’ve just baked __ some__ cookies. Would you like __ some__?
10. There is __no___ juice left. Could I have __ some__ more?
7. Вставьте местоимения some, any, no, every или их производные.
1. I can see __ something___ on the snow, but I don’t know what it is.
2. I didn’t eat ___anything__ because I wasn’t hungry.
3. ‘Did he say __everything___ about it?’ ‘No, he said _nothing__.’
4. Is there __anybody__ here who knows this man?
5. She said __something__, but I didn’t understand it.
6. I went to the shop but I didn’t buy __anything__.