Установите сответствие между текстами A-E и их темами, выбрав тему 1-6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз, В задании одна тема лишняя. This text deals with ... 1) the city where people go to have fun. 2) a place known for its snow. 3) the state named after a famous person. 4) the second largest state in the USA. 5) the smallest state in the USA. 6) the state known for its technologies. A. California is a state on the west coast of North America. It has the largest population of any of the U.S. states and one of the best economies in the world. Many people know California because of Hollywood and the film industry, as well as Silicon Valley, the global center of high technology, Internet and computers. B. Teras is a state in the south of the United States. It is a very big state, smaller only than Alaska. Throughout most of its history, Texas has been dominated by four main industries: oil, cotton, timber and cattle. The importance of the cattle industry to the state's economy led to the traditional image of the Tezas cowboy. C. Nevada is a state in the Western region of the United States. Officially it is known as the "Silver State" because of the important role silver has played in its history and economy. Nevada is probably best known for its largest city Las Vegas. Las Vegas is known all over the world as a resort city, famous for its gambling, shopping, entertainment, restaurants and shows. D. Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is named after the first president of the U.S., George Washington, Washington is one of the richest and most progressive states in the country. Many consider it to be the best state in the U.S. with its culture, beautiful nature, and the best food and coffee. E. Utah is a state in the Western region of the United States. Due to its beautiful nature it is a popular tourist destination. Utah claims 13
Свинка -- инфекционное вирусное заболевание,обычно затрагивающее обе околоушные железы,расположенные сбоку челюсти. Обычно заболевание проявляется между пятью и пятнадцатью годами. Инкубационный период,т.е. период между заражением и проявлением первых симптомов,как правило составляет 3 недели. Однократное заражение даёт иммунитет.
При открытии рта или жевании возникает боль,есть небольшая лихорадка,потеря аппетита,головная боль и ломота во всём теле. Обе стороны лица могут опухнуть сразу или через какой-либо период времени. Опухоль не спадает примерно 6-7 дней. Свинка может затронуть яички у мальчиков и яичники у девочек,результатом чего станет бесплодие. Болезнь редко проявляется раньше пубертатного периода;лучше если ребёнок переболеет до его наступления. Терапия состоит из соблюдения постельного режима,полосканий и принятия аспирина для устранения боли. Свинку можно предупредить прививкой в раннем возрасте.
2. Is the city situated near the Angara River?
3. Is the Angara a wide river?
4. Does Irkutsk take its name from the Irkut River?
5. Is the Irkut River big and wide?
6. Does the Irkut River join the Angara opposite the city?
7. Does Irkutsk have straight green streets, beautiful squares and parks?
8. Is there a port in Irkutsk?
9. Can you see a lot of Russian churches here?
10. Do a lot of wild animals live here?
11. Is it cold in Irkutsk in summer?
12. Is December the coldest month in Irkutsk?