Устно ответить на вопросы, используя информацию со стр. 66 Writing Task Our Health 1.What should you do to stay healthy? 2.How will you describe a healthy diet? 3. What should you do if you have a headache? 4.What should you do if you have a toothache? 5. What should you do if you have a stomach ache?
1. Nobody (knew) where Smith (had gone). 2. A girl who (was standing ) under the beech tree (came) up to us. 3. Mary (was speaking) to Mr Boxwell when I (saw) her in the corridor this morning. 4. John (was parking) the car in Fifth Avenue when a young man in black glasses (appeared) from nowhere and (stood) before him. 5. He again (came) to the village where he (had lived) in childhood. 6. While we (were talking), there (came) a loud knock at the door. 7. He (looked) into the drawing-room. The old man (was sleeping) peacefully in the armchair at the fire-place. 8. When their visitor (left) John and his mother (stood) near the window. 9. When he (dresssd), he (went) downstairs, (wrote) a long letter to his parents and another to his sister. 10. She (welcomed) her with a bright smile and (turned) back to the offensive dandy lions she (had been fighting) with. 11. While she (was reading) this notice, a middle-aged woman (appeared) in the doorway. 12. When he (came) back to the conference room, he (saw) that the situation (had changed). 13. She (had been sitting) at the table only five minutes when a car (came). 14. Their father (was) still silent, even when they (had) coffee. 15.The three (sat) down to the meal that Susan (had prepared). 16. He (was sitting) thinking of his wife whom he (had left) alone in Europe. 17. They (looked) over the accounts together and (found) where she (had made) her mistake. 18. I (was ) surprised at John's failure because he (had been) such a good student previously.
Главная »Английские топики. Теми з англiйської мови»My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули
My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up too early, and do your homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favorite sports and practice your hobbies.
Most of all I like summer holidays because they are the longest ones. Now I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Crimea.
It was the first time I’ve been there. I’ve been dreamed to visit Crimea for many years but our family couldn’t afford this. This summer my father said we can go to the Black sea. I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked him again if he is serious, but he said he already purchased tickets on the train to Simferopol.
On 5th July we left Kiev and went to Simferopol by train. Our destination was Alushta, so from Simferopol to Alushta we went by trolley-bus. As soon as we reached Crimean Mountains, I was stunned by the scenic views that I only saw in pictures. The road looped between mountains and soon we reached the Angarsky pass. It was the highest point on our road, so там больше времени. Мои каникулы были очень насыщенными и радостными. Я получил море удовольствия. Мне кажется, что Крым — это настоящий рай на земле. Я мечтаю снова вернуться туда.
Мои літні канікули
Всі полюбляють канікули, тому що під час канікул можна відпочіти і гарно провести час. Можна робити, що хочеш, не потрібно рано вставати, і не потрібно робити домашні завдання. Можна подорожувати, займатися улюбленими видами спорту або іншими зацікавленнями.
Більш за все я полюбляю літні канікули, тому що вони найбільш тривалі. А зараз я хочу вам розповісти про літні канікули, які я провів у Криму.
Я був там вперше. Я багато років мріяв поїхати до Криму, але наша родина не могла собі це дозволити. Цього літа мій батько сказав, що ми можемо поїхати на Чорне море. Я не міг повірити власним ГоловнаПро проектАкціїСемінариДистриб'юторамКонтактиФорум
Главная »Английские топики. Теми з англiйської мови»My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы.
My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up too early, and do your homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favorite sports and practice your hobbies.
Most of all I like summer holidays because they are the longest ones. Now I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Crimea.
It was the first time I’ve been there. I’ve been dreamed to visit Crimea for many years but our family couldn’t afford this. This summer my father said we can go to the Black sea. I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked him again if he is serious, but he said he already purchased tickets on the train to Simferopol.
Главная »Английские топики. Теми з англiйської мови»My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули
My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up too early, and do your homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favorite sports and practice your hobbies.
Most of all I like summer holidays because they are the longest ones. Now I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Crimea.
It was the first time I’ve been there. I’ve been dreamed to visit Crimea for many years but our family couldn’t afford this. This summer my father said we can go to the Black sea. I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked him again if he is serious, but he said he already purchased tickets on the train to Simferopol.
On 5th July we left Kiev and went to Simferopol by train. Our destination was Alushta, so from Simferopol to Alushta we went by trolley-bus. As soon as we reached Crimean Mountains, I was stunned by the scenic views that I only saw in pictures. The road looped between mountains and soon we reached the Angarsky pass. It was the highest point on our road, so там больше времени. Мои каникулы были очень насыщенными и радостными. Я получил море удовольствия. Мне кажется, что Крым — это настоящий рай на земле. Я мечтаю снова вернуться туда.
Мои літні канікули
Всі полюбляють канікули, тому що під час канікул можна відпочіти і гарно провести час. Можна робити, що хочеш, не потрібно рано вставати, і не потрібно робити домашні завдання. Можна подорожувати, займатися улюбленими видами спорту або іншими зацікавленнями.
Більш за все я полюбляю літні канікули, тому що вони найбільш тривалі. А зараз я хочу вам розповісти про літні канікули, які я провів у Криму.
Я був там вперше. Я багато років мріяв поїхати до Криму, але наша родина не могла собі це дозволити. Цього літа мій батько сказав, що ми можемо поїхати на Чорне море. Я не міг повірити власним ГоловнаПро проектАкціїСемінариДистриб'юторамКонтактиФорум
Главная »Английские топики. Теми з англiйської мови»My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы.
My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникулы. Мої літні канікули

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up too early, and do your homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favorite sports and practice your hobbies.
Most of all I like summer holidays because they are the longest ones. Now I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Crimea.
It was the first time I’ve been there. I’ve been dreamed to visit Crimea for many years but our family couldn’t afford this. This summer my father said we can go to the Black sea. I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked him again if he is serious, but he said he already purchased tickets on the train to Simferopol.