v. choose the noun which can follow this verb.
1) to affect a) the axiom b) the performance c) the past
2) to enter a) a policy b) a profit c) a phase
3) to provide a) food b) mood c) happiness
4) to measure a) phenomenon b) colour c) amount
v. find in the text synonyms to the words given below:
complication, quantity, considered, stubborn, fulfilment, to influence, appropriate
vii. derive nouns from the following verbs by means of suffixes: -ion,
-er, -ment, -ance, -ing
to elaborate, to enter, to affect, to find out, to use, to develop,
to associate, to measure
Doctors, nurses and teachers make a great contribution to society. It certainly is. But for some reason, for example, famous players get much more. I don't agree with that. It's unfair. Doctors, admit, often save someone's life. Teachers teach the same future doctors, so that they can then get a medical education. I would add Fireman to the list of the most important professions. They certainly save the lives of thousands of people!! And it is not clear why, those who know how to kick the ball, get more of those who save your lives...
There he meets new friends, learns science.
In school, you learn a lot.
Teachers are taught to read, write , draw, solve complex problems and examples .
Also in elementary school formed worldview and character , new friends will help you with that .
For the first time in the school the child meets the challenges that decides , and thereby gaining experience.
In elementary school, you can find out what you like best : mathematics , literature , painting, music, etc.
And choose your destination you can do it all your life.
In elementary school, decided whether you will work hard or be lazy all my life, what you will do next , as you gain new friends and know the world .
В 7 лет каждый ребенок идет в начальную школу.
Там он знакомиться с новыми друзьями , познает науки.
В школе узнаешь много нового.
Учителя учат писать ,читать,рисовать,решать сложные примеры и задачи.
Также в начальной школе формируется мировозрение и характер , новые друзья тебе в этом.
Впервые в школе ребенок встречается с проблемами,которые сам решает и тем самым набирает жизненного опыта.
В начальной школе можно узнать что тебе больше нравиться:математика,литература,рисование,музыка и т.д.
И выбрав направление ты можешь заниматься этим всю свою жизнь.
В начальной школе решается будешь ли ты усердно трудиться или же лениться всю жизнь,чем ты будешь заниматься дальше, также ты обретаешь новых друзей,познаешь мир.