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V. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните следующие задания по тексту: 1. Задайте по одному вопросу каждого типа.

2. Выпишите по одному предложению в каждом виде времени.

3. Выпишите несколько предложений в Passive voice.

Years ago I arrived one day at Salamanca, New York, where I was to change trains and take the sleeper. There were crowds of people on the platform, and they were all trying to get into the long sleeper train which was already packed. I asked the young man in the booking-office if I could have a sleeping-berth and he answered: «No.» I went off and asked another local official if I could have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car, but he interrupted me angrily saying, «No, you can’t, every corner is full. Now, don’t bother me any more,» and he turned his back and walked off. I felt so hurt that I said to my companion, «If these people knew who I was, they…»1 But my companion stopped me there,— «Don’t talk such nonsense, we’ll have to put up with this,» he said, «If they knew who you were, do you think it would help you to get a vacant seat1 in a train which has no vacant seats in it?»

This did not improve my condition at all, but just then I noticed that the porter of a sleeping-car had his eye on me. I saw the expression of his face suddenly change. He whispered to the uniformed conductor, pointing to me, and I realized I was being talked about. Then the conductor came forward, his face all politeness.

«Can I be of any service to you?» he asked. «Do you want a place in a sleeping-car?»

«Yes,» I said, «I’ll be grateful to you if you can give me a place, anything will do.»

«We have nothing left except the big family compartment,» he continued, «with two berths and a couple of armchairs in it, but it is entirely at your disposal. Here, Tom, take these suitcases aboard!»

Then he touched his hat, and we moved along.3 I was eager to say a few words to my companion, but I changed my mind. The porter made us comfortable in the compartment, and then said, with many bows and smiles:

«Now, is there anything you want, sir? Because you can have just anything you want.»

«Can I have some hot water?» I asked.

«Yes, sir, I’ll get it myself.»

«Good! Now, that lamp is hung too high above the berth. Can I have a better lamp fixed just at the head of my bed below the luggage rack, so that I can read comfortably?»

«Yes, sir. The lamp you want is just being fixed in the next compartment. I’ll get it from there and fix it here. It’ll burn all night. Yes, sir, you can ask for anything you want, the whole railroad will be turned inside out to please you.» And he disappeared.

I smiled at my companion, and said:

«Well, what do you say now? Didn’t their attitude change the moment they understood I was Mark Twain? You see the result, don’t you?» My companion did not answer. So I added, «Don’t you like the way you are being served? And all for the same fare.»

As I was saying this, the porter’s smiling face appeared in the doorway and this speech followed:

«Oh, sir, I recognized you the minute I set my eyes on you. I told the conductor so.»

«Is that so, my boy?» I said handing him a good tip. «Who am I?»

«Mr McCleilan, Mayor of New York», he said and disappeared again.

Показать ответ
16.11.2021 01:46

There were two men in the room. One of them was writing something while the other was reading a newspaper. 2. Не did not tell me that he had received a telegram from her. 3. I asked him if he knew where she lived. I said I did not know her address. 4. He asked me if I could give him your address. 5. She said that he had given her the wrong address. 6. I asked him where he had put my letter. 7. He told us that they had spent all the money, 8. I was sitting in an armchair and thinking of my coming trip across the North Sea when the door suddenly opened and an old friend of mine whom I had not seen for a very long time entered the room. 9. She came to see us just at the time when we were having dinner. It was the first time I had seen her. 10. I saw him just as he was leaving the hotel. 11. I had not seen him before we met at the concert. 12. He had left the house before I had time to ask him anything. 13. After spending several days in Paris he felt lonely and wanted to return home. 14. I thought he had already gone home. 15. I found the old man in the garden. He was talking to some children who were standing around listening to him. 16. He was speaking/spoke a language we had never heard before. 17. He told me he had learnt it from the newspaper. 18. He entered the room, took something from the desk and

0,0(0 оценок)
02.01.2020 07:28

. There were two men in the room. One of them was writing something while the other read a newspaper. 2. Hedid not to tell me that he received a message from her. 3. I had asked him if he knew where she lived. I said I did not know her address. 4. He asked me if I could give him your address. 5. She said that hegave her the wrong address. 6. I asked him where he put my letter. 7. He told us that they had spent all the money. 8. Iwas sitting in an armchair and thought of my coming trip across the North Sea when the door suddenly opened and an old friend of mine whom I have not to seen for a very long time entered the room. 9. She came to see us just at the time when we have had dinner. It was the first time I have seen her. 10. I have seen him just as he left the hotel. 11. I have not seen him before we met at the concert. 12. He had left the house before I had time to ask him anything. 13. After spending several days in Paris he felt lonely and wanted to return home. 14. I thought he had already gone home. 15. I found the old man in the garden. He was talking to some children who stood around listening to him. 16. He spoke a language we had never head before. 17. He told me he had learnt it from the newspaper. 18. He entered the room, took something from the desk and went out.

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