В саду, состоящем из 8 участков, Булбул хочет посадить желтые и красные цветы Известно, что на каждый участок нужно посадить по 15 красных и 20 желтых цветов
первый день Булбул до обеда посадила 45 красных и 66 желтых, а после обеда 50 краса
a ѕо желтых цветов. Определи, сколько участков Булбул заняла цветами в первый
Определи, на каком количестве участков она посадила отдельно желтые и красные цв
Сколько участков остались без цветов
One day Donna and her family were watching sea birds.Donna saw the boys who were very noisy.She saw a shy,handsome fellow.It was Mark.Mark also looked at Donna and smiled her.
Donna and Luiza went to a disco.Donna was waiting for Mark,she wanted to see him very much.
A handsome man came up to Donna and invited her to dance with him.It was Mark with his beautiful and friendly smile.Donna danced with him for a long time.A little later she saw Mark near the entrance to the disco.He was very shy and calm.
During all that time she was dancing with Mark's brother Dave.She stopped dancing and went to look for Mark.She wanted to appologize to him.She didn't know where Mark was.She couldn't find him.She wanted to return to England to see Mark.
Mark had been waiting for Donna since 6 a.m. ,but at 8 o'clock he went to look for Nick and Dave.Donna and Luoza came to the cafe at 8 o'clock.When the boat arrived,Mark and Donna tried to catch sight of one another,but they did't meet in the boat.They met at wild-night in Komilarce.Komilarce is a small town not far from Madrid.There are a lot of buildings,shops,cafes and parks in this town.And in one of these parks it was a disco-night.Many people from Komilarce,Madrid,France, England and Germany visit it.Donna was with her family.She wanted to meet Mark.
Mark didn't want to go there because he wasn't interested in dancing.But he thought about Donna.Dave,Harry and
Nick persuaded him to come.They were sitting at the table when Donna's and Mark's eyes met.Time stopped.
Donna and Mark were together!
His favorite magazine is fidget. He likes it very much. There is a lot of useful, developing knowledge and instructive.This magazine is for children and parents.In the magazine coloring books, stories, crosswords, puzzles, riddles, toy clipping. Exciting games, comics, puzzles, crosswords. Fun contests with prizes and Souvenirs.Fairy tales and instructive stories, answers to" difficult " children's questions, exciting games that develop thinking and attention puzzles, rebuses, riddles, crosswords. For primary school children.
Мой любимый журнал Непоседа. Мне он очень нравится. Там много всего полезного, раззвивающего знания и поучительного.Этот журнал для детей и родителей.В журнале раскраски, истории, кроссворды, ребусы, загадки, игрушка-вырезалка. Увлекательные игры, комиксы, головоломки, кроссворды. Веселые конкурсы с призами и сувенирами.Сказки и поучительные истории, ответы на "трудные" детские во увлекательные игры, развивающие мышление и внимание головоломки, ребусы, загадки, кроссворды. Для детей младшего школьного возраста.
Мій улюблений журнал непосида. Мені він дуже подобається. Там багато всього корисного, раззвивающего знання і повчального.Цей журнал для дітей і батьків.У журналі розмальовки, історії, кросворди, ребуси, загадки, іграшка-вирізалка. Захоплюючі ігри, комікси, головоломки, кросворди. Веселі конкурси з призами та сувенірами.Казки та повчальні історії, відповіді на" важкі " дитячі питання, захоплюючі ігри, Розвиваючі мислення і увагу головоломки, ребуси, загадки, кросворди. Для дітей молодшого шкільного віку.