V. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами: prolific litters, farrowing pens, suckling period, boar, pigsties
1. In winter sows and their ... are kept in... . 2. Pregnant sows are put into ... ... some days before farrowing. 3. During the breeding season the ... should be given some grain. 4. Unlike the other farm animals sows are highly... . 5. The ... ... in sows lasts about two months
I have worked (have been working – по-моему, лучше, но это время в задании не указано – Presnt Perfect Continuous) as a botanist since graduation. I teach students at the university but I also spend a lot of time travelling. I have some professional success – I`ve just discovered an unknown orchid in Indonesia. At present I am studying a rare Asian plant which Chinese medicine use to cure rheumatism. I collect leaves and flowers to examine their properties. I`ve examined over ten plants so far.