So, any tourist is a traveler. At first glance similar, but actually a big difference.Now I will give a few differences between a tourist and a traveler.A tourist buys a ready-made tour at a travel Agency. The traveler himself is planning your route. Tourist overcharged by the airlines. The traveler travels by bus, train, hitchhiking. The tourist living in the hotel that long chooses different criteria of comfort. The traveler lives in the hostels. A tourist puts the comfort of travel conditions in the first place. A traveler appreciates the experience. Tourists need stability and confidence. The traveler is at risk.
Tourist overcharged by the airlines. The traveler travels by bus, train, hitchhiking.
The tourist living in the hotel that long chooses different criteria of comfort. The traveler lives in the hostels.
A tourist puts the comfort of travel conditions in the first place. A traveler appreciates the experience.
Tourists need stability and confidence. The traveler is at risk.
guinea pig-морская свинка
rooster ['ru:stə] петух
turkey ['tɜ:kɪ] индейка
gobbler ['gɔblə] индюк
goat [ɡəʊt] коза
billy goat [bili goʊt] козел
kid [kɪd] козленок
sheep [ʃi:p] овца
ram [ræm] баран
lamb [læm] ягненок
bull [bʊl] бык
cow [kaʊ] корова
calf [kɑ:f] теленок
horse [hɔ:s] лошадь
stallon ['stæljən] жеребек
colt [kəult] жеребенок
mare [meə] кобыла
pig [pɪɡ] свинья
sow [səu] самка свиньи
piglet ['pɪɡlɪŋ] поросенок
rabbit ['ræbɪt] кролик
kit [kɪt] крольченок, котенок
doe [dəu] самка (кролика, оленя, зайца, козла, крысы, мыши, хорька, кенгуру)
buck [bʌk] самец (кролика, зайца, оленя, антилопы, овцы, козы)
crocodile ['krɒkədaɪl] крокодил
deer [dɪə] олень
elephant ['elɪfənt] слон
elk [elk] лось
fox [fɒks] лиса
giraffe [dʒɪ'rɑ:f] жираф
goat [ɡəʊt] козёл
hare [heə] заяц
hippopotamus [hɪpə'pɒtəməs] бегемот
hyena [haɪ'i:nə] гиена
jaguar ['dʒæɡjʊə] ягуар
leopard ['lɛpəd] леопард
lion ['laɪən] лев
lynx [lɪŋks] рысь
marten ['mɑ:tɪn] куница
mink [mɪŋk] норка
mole [məʊl] крот
mongoose ['mɒŋɡu:s] мангуст
monkey ['mʌŋki] обезьяна, мартышка
mouse [maʊs] мышь
hedgehog ['hedʒhɔg] еж
muskrat ['mʌskræt] ондатра
otter ['ɒtə] выдра
panda ['pændə] панда
panther ['pænθə] пантера
polar ['pəʊlə] fox песец
puma ['pju:mə] пума
raccoon [rə'ku:n] енот
rhinoceros [raɪ'nɒsərəs] носорог
sable ['seɪbl] соболь
squirrel ['skwɪrəl] белка
tiger ['taɪɡə] тигр
tortoise ['tɔ:təs] черепаха (сухопутная)
wolf [wʊlf] волк
yak [jæk] як
zebra ['zi:brə] зебра