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Variant 1 1.1. То each of the following words marked with a number match the most suitable word marked with a letter so that an image is formed:



a) a firework

2) Anger


b) a prison

3) Peace


c) a rose

4) Poverty


d) sadness

1.2. What stylistic device is realised in the formed images: a) met­aphor, b) metonymy?

2.1. Decide what style [ a) newspaper, b) colloquial, c) scientific] is
represented in the following extract:

It's no good worrying and trying to look ahead and plan and scheme and weigh your every action, because you never can tell when doing such-and-such won't make so-and-so happen - while, on the other hand, if you do so-and-so it may just as easily lead to such-and-such.

2.2. What does the sentence contain: a) enumeration and framing
repetition, b) polysyndeton and ellipsis, c) enumeration and chiasmus,
d) polysyndeton and framing repetition?



3.1. What meanings are effective in the following joke: a) neutral
and colloquial, b) neutral and literary?

"What did you find out about the salivary glands?" "I couldn't find out a thing, they're too secretive."

3.2. What stylistic device is observed in the joke: a) zeugma
b) pun?

4. Decide what the sentences contain: a) direct meaning, b) meta­
phor, c) metonymy:

The head of the pin is rather large.

The dinner cost two dollars a head.

He is the head of the firm.

The man has a large head.

Her name is at the head of the list.

5. What does the sentence contain: a) metaphor and metonymy,
b) only metaphor?

His eyes fell on the picture of Anne.

6. What stylistic device(s) is/are used in the following sentenc­
es: a) hyperbole and metaphor, b) hyperbole and metonymy, c) only

The whole town was there.

There was an uneasy sea of doubt and hope.

7. Group the following word combinations into two columns, con­
taining /) descriptive attributes, 2) epithets:

a) black-winged bird, b) iron will, c) wooden manners, d) honey-coloured air, e) blooming flowers, f) cold water.

8. What stylistic device is the following sentence based on: a) oxy­
moron, b) antithesis?

Books are a guide of youth and an entertainment for age. 210

9. Decide in each case whether the sentence: a) contains litotes,
b) has simple negation:

Don't you think that the problem is really great?

Jack was unpredictable.

It was unillegal business.

10. Define the kind of metaphor in the following sentence: /: a) nom-
inational, b) cognitive, c) imaginative; II: a) simple, b) sustained:

Don't jump to conclusions - you might get a nasty fall.

11. Distinguish between: a) ellipsis and b) nominative sentence:

(at an examination) "How far are you from the correct answer?" "Two seats."

The program said, 'Second Act, Two Years Later' I couldn't wait to see the second act of the play.

Committee: body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.

Two seats. Isn't it enough?

12. Indicate the type of repetition out of the following: a) simple,
b) consecutive, c) anaphora, d) epiphora, e) linking, f) framing, g) chain,
h) chiasmus:

Leave me all alone. I want to stay all alone.

Oh, they know me! They know me!

The suggestion is interesting, indeed. I like the suggestion.

Time waits for no man. Thus, don't lose time.

13. Choose from the syntactic stylistic devices [ a) polysyndeton,
b) tautology, c) ellipsis, d) asyndeton, e) enumeration, f) a nominative
clause, g) parallel constructions, h) parceling] those that are used the
following sentence:

It was the money, of course; money which did strange things to human beings, making them greedy, panicked, at times sub-human.


14.1. Indicate the type of decomposition of the phraseological
unit [ a) shortening, b) expansion, c) insertion, d) substitution, e) word
order change, f) contextual change, g) complex change] in the following:

Where there's a will there's an heir of expectation.

14.2. What stylistic device is observed in the utterance: a) meta­
phor, b) metonymy?

15. Name expressive means and stylistic devices and group them as follows:

expressive means: a) phonetic, b) morphological, c) lexical, d) syntac­tic, e) graphic;

stylistic devices: a) phonetic, b) lexical (lexico-semantic), c) syntactic.

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30.07.2021 13:59
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s live. Others, think that adults life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.Several people argue that juvenile’s years are happier time than adults of most people’s live because mature persons have a lot of responsibilities which they should consider properly. However, adults also have a great time in happiness.The matter of that is that older could create their own decision, but juveniles sometimes could not generate their own decision concerning labile. Admittedly, adults have a good idea for decision problems. For example, teens confuse to decide their university to continue their study, and they need someone such adults to help them for awarding advice. However, old people often feel contented with spontaneous that they have done, and teenagers often feel disappointed because their decision sometimes is not receive with old people. Mature persons often argue that youth would like to determine fault decision even though they sometimes have better idea than adults.How mature people express their feeling is likely not as simple as adolescents reveling love matter. Physically, teenagers are easy to access their atmosphere regarding unremarkable thinking, and teens are never under the impression because they simply hope fun activities in their life. They never think about working which they thinking that are not significant for their ages. In illustration, when teens parents ask them to study, they do not refuse it because they hope their parents happy and will provide anything such toys for them. Nevertheless, adults think too hard to develop their work to manufacture better life without acquiring a lot of risk of their rush. Due to many bustles, old persons naturally could not relish satisfaction of their ages.Sometimes, adults learn slower than teenagers concerning no confidence abilities which they should comprehend each subject. Teens learn easier and faster than adults because they would like to compete with their friends and sometimes become their rival to progress knowledge and experience for better achievement in studying. For instance, youth learn how to speak English well, and naturally they could progress fast because they never afraid to create mistakes, but adults always worry about errors. Thus, confidence creates unhappiness for adults.While old people are working hard for evolving better life, they also should generate happiest time as teens does. Adults and adolescents could form their own pride because they should feel glory in their ages to create preferable survival concerning life equitable one time.window.
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02.01.2022 22:06
Мои друзья и я люблю спать сторон. В сон из-за вечеринки мои друзья едят и играют в игры в моей спальне. Затем они спят у меня дома конечно мы ложимся спать очень поздно, потому что мы рассказываем истории и поговорим о наших друзьях. Линда тематические вечеринки-это мое любимое. Вы сами тему для вашей партии и ваших друзей носить одежду, чтобы соответствовать теме Вы также можете украсить вечеринку номер и еда и музыка с той же тематикой. Костюмированные вечеринки, смешной шляпе и пижаме стороны участников тоже классные! Стив вечеринки на открытом воздухе тоже хороши, но нужна хорошая погода! Моя семья и друзья часто устраивать пикники в саду или возле реки. Еда всегда является на вкус фантастическим на свежем воздухе! Затем мы плавать или играть в игры иногда мои друзья и спят в палатках после этих сторон. Наталья, сегодня мой день рождения и тема вечеринки-Япония. Сегодня моя мама приготовлению блюд японской кухни. Я уборку в доме, украшая зал для вечеринок и создание моего костюма. Я веселюсь!
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