ВАШИ 1 As a teenager, I used listen / used to listen to really loud rock music.
2 I didn’t use to like / didn’t used to like classical music at all.
3 I used to go / used to went to the local record shop every weekend.
4 Music was used to / used to be on vinyl records then, not CDs.
5 My parents used to complaining / used to complain that I played my records too loud.
6 What music did you use to like / used you to like as a teenager?
Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. The country borders on England in the east and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west. Wales is not a very big country with a population of about three million people. There are two official languages in Wales – Welsh and English, both of which are taught in schools.
Much of Wales’s landscape is mountainous, especially in the north and central regions. The highest mountain is Snowdon. There are also a lot of beautiful lakes in the country. These are Wales’s picturesque landscapes that attract tourists from all over the world.
Wales has its own interesting culture including language, customs, holidays and music. The country is represented by the symbol of the red Welsh Dragon, which is depicted on the national flag. The flag of Wales, brought to Britain by Romans, is one of the oldest in the world. Other symbols of the country are leeks and daffodils. These are usually worn on Saint David’s Day, which is celebrated on the 1st of March. Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. The country has its own national game called rugby.
One can visit a number of beautiful places in Wales. There are three national parks: Snowdonia, Brecon and Pembrokeshire Coast. Wales has also four Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

profession Features
Administrator hotel is also called the French word "porter" (French portier porte door.) Because the administrator - is the person who meets the guest as soon as he crosses the threshold of the hotel.
However, the administrator responsibilities are much wider than just meeting and accommodation. Therefore, some experts are protesting against the term "porter" in relation to their profession.
The administrator registers and settles guests, takes care of the delivery of luggage to the room, explains the rules of the hotel guests, inform about additional services, gives the keys and takes them in storage when guests leave the hotel at the time. If the guest's name comes mail, the administrator handing it to the addressee.
However, many duties of the administrator are not visible to guests. For example, it keeps track of employees and leave your room, reserve a room, sees to it that they are ready to receive guests. Housekeeping, linen, etc. - It is the duty of the maid. But the administrator checks that everything was done on time. If somewhere in the burned out light bulb or in the bar of the hotel is over mineral water, he directs the staff member to the all corrected. In other words, the administrator coordinates the work of hotel services to gueохр–
Особенности профессии
Администратора гостиницы также называют французским словом «портье» (фр. portier porte дверь), потому что администратор – это сотрудник, который встречает постояльца, как только тот переступает порог отеля.
Однако обязанности администратора гораздо шире, чем просто встреча и размещение гостей. Поэтому некоторые специалисты протестуют против термина «портье» по отношению к своей профессии.
Администратор регистрирует и расселяет гостей, заботится о доставке багажа в номер, объясняет постояльцам правила отеля, информирует о дополнительных услугах, выдаёт ключи и забирает их на хранение, когда гости на время покидают гостиницу. Если на имя постояльца приходит корреспонденция, администратор вручает её адресату.
Правда, многие обязанности администратора постояльцам не видны. Например, он ведёт учёт занятых и освободившихся номеров, бронирует номера, следит за тем, чтобы они были готовы к приёму гостей. Уборка номеров, смена белья и т.п. – это обязанность горничной. Но администратор контролирует, чтобы всё было сделано вовремя. Если где-то перегорела лампочка или в баре номера кончилась минералка, он направляет соответствующего сотрудника, чтобы тот всё исправил. Иными словами, администратор координирует работу гостиничных служб, чтобы гостям было уютно и комфортно.