В Америке 50 соединенных штатов. Население около 200 миллионов. До 1776 года в Америке было много флагов. В Род-Айленд, например, изображался якорь на флаге, в Массачусетс - дерево, Нью-Гэмпшир - корабль. В 1776 году после оглашения декларации о независимости "Звезды и полоски" впервые появились на Американском флаге. 13 полосок представляют собой 13 штатов, которые подписали декларацию о независимости и белые звезды означают число штатов, входящих в целое число союза. Новые штаты вступали в союз и появлялись на флаге 26 раз. Два самых северных штата, Аляска и Гаваи.
1. They awarded him a prize for his competition entry.
•A prize for the competition entry was awarded to him.
•He was awarded a prize for his competition entry.
2. The museum has offered the university their collection of ancient clepsydrae.
•The collection of ancient clepsydrae
has been offered to the university by the museum.
•The university has been offered the collection of ancient clepsydrae by the museum.
3. The Society of Watch and Clock Makers will give them £500 for the grandfather clock.
• £500 will be given to them for the grandfather clock by the Society of Watch and Clock Makers.
•They will be given £500 for the grandfather clock by the Society of Watch and Clock Makers.
4. The college granted Serik a scholarship to study watchmaking in Switzerland.
• A scholarship to study watchmaking in Switzerland was granted to Serik by the college.
• Serik was granted a scholarship to study watchmaking in Switzerland by the college.