Vii. complete sentences using one word or a phrase from the box. outcrop surface mining sewage lagoon bench access road waste dump overburden waste rock 1. the was stored in a dump until it could be moved elsewhere. 2. the guided the team as they dug the pit. 3. the crew removed several tons of before they accessed the ore. 4. waste water is stored in the . 5. the miners stood on the while they worked. 6. the mine needs more space for a where unneeded materials are kept. 7. i understand that work on the construction of the has now been started. 8. is a broad category of mining in which soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit (the overburden) are removed.
English is spoken in many countries.
Coins are collected by numismatists.
My friend is interested in music.
Last year this computer game was played by more people than now.
Look, a new monument is being built here!
Very important information had been lost before you saved it.
It was done two days ago.
Now your document is OK. Have all the mistakes been corrected by you personally? Sometimes hobbies are chosen by parents, not by children themselves.
These photos were taken when we were on holiday last year.