Виправити речення 1. I have been though about a solution.
2. They haven't been finishing the exercise yet.
3. My friend Lara have been giving me a lot of support.
4. Look at them. They have dancing all night long.
5. David and Ann have been knowing each other for years.
6. I have been a teacher since eight years.
будь ласка
2. He is eating lunch now.(present continues)
3. Usually she does not watch the news.(незнаю)
4. The film we watched yesterday was terrific.(past simple)
5. I met a friend when I was looking for a gift for my sister.(past continues)
6. I'm afraid that we will not go to Spain this summer.(present continues)
7. I have already seen this performance.(незнаю)
8. He is not going to help me.(незнаю)
9. Before leaving, we turned off all the equipment in the hall.(незнаю)
10. We did not see each other at school yesterday.(past simple)
2. What words do we use to congratulate a person?
3. What are the usual greetings at Christmas?
4. What is the usual answer to the greeting?
5. What should we say if we don't hear or understand the phrase?
6. Will "Pardon me?" be a good apology phrase?
7. When do we say "Sorry"?
8. What should you say if you come late to the theatre and have to push past people who are already in their places?
9. Do phrases "I beg your pardon "and "Sorry" have the same meaning?
10. At the New Year we say "A Happy New Year", don't we?