Visit the Fiji Islands and enjoy staying at the Poseidon Undersea Resort. It is 40 feet below the surface of the Fijian Lagoon. You will get there by a special ‘elevator’ which will bring you under the sea. 70 percent of the walls are made of special plastic and you can see through them. You can even feed the fish in the sea — by simply pushing the button in the wall.
почему именно этот отель тебе понравился, что в нем необычного, чем бы ты хотел там заняться. (I would like to stay at …. It seems unusual that… I would …)
за ранее
he knows mathematics much better than he did last year.he must work a lot in summer.2.your mathematics is very must to work at it in summer.3.where is peter? -oh,he must read in the library.he is getting ready for a very difficult must to study english for several years already.your language is very good.5.oh,look how white and clean everything is! it must to snow at night.6.oh,you are all in snow,you look like a must snow heavily.7.look,what huge snowdrefts yhere are everywhere,and the path is covered with knee-deep must to snow for several hours look fresh! you must have a good sleep at night.9.9you look very must have a good sleep at night