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Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
1 He v at a homeless charity twice
a week.
2 They made a d to a charity last
3 I p people to sign the petition
4 We need to s those who are poor.
5 I am going to p against the waste
of food by supermarkets.
3 Match the adjectives in the box with the
definitions. (10 marks)
brave clever confident fair generous
honest kind organized patient sympathetic
A person who 1
1 treats everyone equally:
2 is intelligent:
3 always tells the truth:
4 is willing to do dangerous things:
5 feels sure about their own ability:
6 gives people more than they need to:
7 shows that they care about someone’s
8 waits for others and doesn’t get angry:
9 plans their work carefully:
10 cares about others:
Language focus
4 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
1 Your donations could / perhaps / mustn’t
change their lives.
2 She can / must / couldn’t get an award for her
courage. She’s very brave.
3 Perhaps / Could / Might he will need our help.
4 The situation perhaps / may / can get better if
we continue our campaign. We’re not sure.
5 He must / couldn’t / can’t be at home. He isn’t
opening the door.
6 Helping other people can’t / perhaps / can
make you feel good.
7 I can’t find my wallet, but it can / might / must
be here somewhere. I had it a while ago.
8 When you help a charity, you could / may / can
not benefit personally, but you will feel good.
9 Could / Perhaps / Might something nice will
happen to you today.
10 The government can / mustn’t / may take action
because a lot of people have signed the petition. 5 Complete the second conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(5 marks)
1 If people smiled more, the world
(be) a nicer place.
2 If shops (sell) ‘ugly’ fruit,
would you buy it?
3 She (stop) bullying in schools
if she had the power.
4 If people didn’t sign petitions, the government
(not know) how they felt.
5 I (donate) some money if I
found a charity I wanted to support.
6 Write sentences with the second conditional
sentences. (10 marks)
1 I find someone in danger / call for help

2 they do nothing all day / get bored

3 you not have any money / what / do / ?

4 the charity not advertise / not get any money

5 we go on the website / find out more information

Fighting for change
Bibi was studying in Kathmandu, Nepal, forty miles
away from her family home when there was an
‘When I came home to my village, I saw how very sad
everyone was,’ she explained. ‘When I arrived, the
community was living in big tents. Everyone was in
one place, so there was a lot of noise. People were
terrified of the wind and the rain. However, they
believed it was better to try to wait patiently for help.’
The earthquake destroyed 500,000 homes and 16,000
schools, and 8,000 people lost their lives. After seeing
the damage, brave Bibi wanted to help her village.
‘If we didn’t move on, we would continue to live in
fear. I encouraged my family to build a proper shelter
so my brother and father got the wood. Then I realized
that it wasn’t just my house that was important. I
wanted to help my community, too, so I started
volunteering.’ Two years later, Bibi, who has kindly
and generously given up all her time, is still working
to rebuild her village.
In the future, Bibi wants to help build safer homes for
more families across her country. While other young
people have decided to move abroad, Bibi feels it’s
important that she stays and helps her country. ‘This is
the time Nepal needs its young people the most.’
7 Read the article. Then complete the sentences.
Use two words for each sentence. (10 marks)
1 Bibi to her village.
2 Other young people have decided to
3 The community was living in
after the earthquake.
4 She has and given up
her time to work as a volunteer.
5 People were scared of the and the

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04.04.2021 17:40

My Favourite Shop

I like shopping and I often do it with my mum or my friends. I must say I like going to clothing shops more than food shops. I could spend hours just looking at clothes, choosing things to try on and trying to find that perfect look and price.

My favourite shop is 'LC WAIKIKI'. This brand is represented in more than 40 countries. It sells fashionable clothes and accessories at affordable prices. 'LCWaikiki' stores are quite popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We can also buy their clothes on the Internet. There are four types of clothes in the Waikiki stores — for men, women, boys and girls of all ages.

I love this shop because their clothes are stylish and comfortable. I can always find something to my taste and I like the service.

                               Мой любимый магазин

Я люблю ходить по магазинам и часто делаю это с мамой или подругами. Должна сказать, что мне больше нравится ходить в магазины одежды, чем в продуктовые. Я могу часами смотреть на одежду, выбирать вещи для примерки и пытаться найти идеальные образ и цену.

Мой любимый магазин - LC WAIKIKI. Этот бренд представлен более чем в 40 странах. Здесь продаются модная одежда и аксессуары по доступным ценам. Магазины «LCWaikiki» довольно популярны в России, Украине, Белоруссии и Казахстане. Мы также можем купить их одежду в интернете. В магазинах Waikiki есть четыре вида одежды - для мужчин, женщин, мальчиков и девочек всех возрастов.

Я люблю этот магазин, потому что их одежда стильная и удобная. Я всегда могу найти что-то на свой вкус, и мне нравится обслуживание.

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04.04.2020 15:44

Мама: Привет?

Энн: Привет, мама. Это Энн. Папа и я пришли в супермаркет. Мы забыли ваш список дома, поэтому у нас есть несколько во Мама: Хорошо, Энн. Что ты хочешь с у меня?

Энн: У нас есть овощи для салата, но мы с папой не знаем, какое масло купить.

Мама: купи оливковое масло Я стараюсь готовить с оливковым маслом. На мой взгляд, это лучше для вашего здоровья.

Энн: Хорошо, тогда оливковое масло. Теперь мы должны получить апельсиновый или яблочный сок?

Мама: Получи оба. Я не люблю апельсиновый сок, но папа любит. Было бы хорошо на ужин.

Энн: О! Говоря об ужине ... ты собираешься приготовить свинину с печеными бобами, верно?

Мама: Да, это верно. Свинина с печеными бобами - любимое блюдо твоего отца. Я готовлю это сейчас. Он будет готов через полчаса, поэтому не опаздывайте на ужин. И не забывайте морковь и огурцы. Я хочу их для салата. Энн: Точно, морковь и огурцы. Я кладу их в корзину. Что мы будем покупать на десерт?

Мама: Хочешь яблочный пирог или мороженое?

Энн: Мороженое - отличная идея! Мам, я люблю мороженое, но я не знаю, как выбрать хорошее.

Мама: По своего папу показать тебе. Он знает, где найти вкусное мороженое.

Энн: Папа, можешь мне выбрать мороженое? Мама, мы получаем мороженое. Мы идем прямо домой.

Мама: О возьми немного попкорна, чтобы мы могли съесть попкорн и посмотреть фильм по телевизору после ужина.

Энн: Круто!

Мама: я жду тебя!

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