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Vocabulary and Use your English A Match 1–8 with a–h. 1 forty-seven 2 34 3 sixty-eight 4 the third of June 5 24/2 6 13/6 7 the first of September 8 the third of December a the twenty-fourth of February b 3/12 c 47 d 1/9 e thirty-four f 3/6 g 68 h the thirteenth of June B Circle eight family-related words and complete the sentences.
G R A N D M A L S F P R D J H D A F B J G A A U N T K R O L S P R N G R G B R O T H E R D S S U K I Y W G U C D X I A H E S I I F D A F S R B D K N V I G U U T P D Y H S O N I G S E G R S E Z M E F H I R I A D K A Y L Y T F S G J O H Q F H L E U A D N F O J E W F R D G U A P S O S J A 1 My parents’ son is my. 2 Mrs Harris has got six grandsons, but only one. 3 ‘Have you got any children?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got aand two daughters. 4 ‘Have you got any brothers and? 5 I call my grandmother. 6 My grandparents gotin 1965. 7 Lucinda’s daughters are 13 years old. They’re. 8 Marianne is my dad’s sister. She’s my. Grammar A Circle the correct words. 1 Sammy and his little sister usually go / goes to bed early. 2 What do you and your friends do / does in the holidays? 3 What / Where does your grandmother live? 4 What do you have usually / usually have for dinner? 5 It hardly ever / ever hardly rains in the desert. 6 Who / Why does your brother go to a different school? 7 When / What time is your first English class? 8 We usually hang / hanging out with Annie and Sarah after school. B Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs: chat cycle do enjoy fly not feel play wait 1 I my homework now. 2 We for Susan to arrive. She’s very late. 3 ‘Where’s mum?’ ‘She to Aunt Celia.’ 4 I very well. I need to go home and rest. 5 David to Paris. He’s on the plane right now. 6 Fabio to our house. He isn’t walking. 7 The children in the garden. They are having lots of fun together. 8 ‘ you the party?’ ‘No, not really. I want to go home.’ Додаток 3 15.04 Vocabulary Practice A Translate the following adjectives: 1 attractive 11 annoyed 2 smart 12 annoying 3 cheerful 13 mean 4 weird 14 excellent 5 friendly 15 worried 6 caring – 16 lovely 7 sociable 17 successful 8 shy 18 silly 9 shocking 19 angry 10 shocked 20 sad B Circle the correct words. 1 Susan has got metal braces / freckles on her teeth. 2 Mark doesn’t talk much because he’s quite shy / sociable. 3 Maria’s got such beautiful blonde / blue eyes. 4 I hate the sun, so that’s why I’m always pale / brown. 5 I don’t like these clothes – they look very great / weird. 6 That’s really funny / sociable joke. 7 Michelle has got long / short hair that goes down her back. 8 Rachel puts suncream on her hair / skin so she doesn’t get burnt. 9 Mario is quite sad / bored because he didn’t get on the rugby team. 10 Carole gets good marks at school because she’s quite clever / beautiful. C Read the descriptions and complete the words. 1 This word describes a type of hair. W__ __ __ 2 You can describe eyes and hair colour with this word. B __ __ __ __ 3This describes a happy person. C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4 This word describes a type of hair. C __ __ __ __ 5 This is Hair colour. R __ __ 6 the words “pale” and “tan” describe this. S __ __ __ 7 You can describe hair length with this word. S __ __ __ __ D Translate the adjectives with prepositions and remember them: 1 be scared of 2 be angry with 3 be annoyed with 4 be angry with 5 be sad about 6 be worried about 7 be kind to 8 be shocked by E Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words (adjectives): Annoy beauty friend shock worry 1 “Did you hear that Sarah cheated on the exam? ” “Oh, no ! How !” 2 Tat’s a dress you are wearing today. 3 I’m about the fact that I don’t have a job. 4 My dog looks mean but she’s actually quite . 5 Barry gets if you play his video games without asking.

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14.05.2022 05:47


1. Loaf - буханка

2. Carton - упаковка

3. Box - коробка

4. Bowl - миска, тарелка

5. Glass - стакан

6. jar - банка, ёмкость.

7, bottle - бутылка

№5 смотри когда how much , то это неисчесляемое: нельзя почитать. Например sugar сахар, milk, bread хлеб и другие. Теперь how many: исчисляемое: можно посчитать. For example: eggS, appleS, tomatoeES ; тут мы добавляем в конце -s или -es , т.к можно посчитать

Следующий на очереди any. Используем в (-) и (?) предложениях Any= Какой-то,некоторый,любой. Do you have ANY new books? У тебя есть какие-нибудь новые книги? И отрицание: I don’t have ANY sugar . У меня нет сахара. How about = как насчёт. to - к , so — так. Тут уже выбирай сам. Ведь де нужно полностью перевести предложения, чтобы понять смысл.


How about eggs and sausages for breakfast ?

I like sausages. Do we have any cheese? Look in the fridge . There is a little.

I like bread with cheese and butter. Make some tea

, please.


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08.02.2023 12:39

Breakfast in the UK

One of the most famous dishes in the UK is the ‘full English’ or ‘fry-up’. It’s made up of eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans and toast, and can also include black pudding, fried mushrooms and tomatoes! A full English breakfast takes a lot of time to cook and it’s quite unhealthy to eat every day, so a lot of British people only eat it at the weekend. On weekdays, most people eat something lighter for breakfast, like a bowl of porridge or breakfast cereal. Another popular choice is to eat buttered toast with jam or marmalade. No English breakfast is complete without a cup of tea!

Breakfast in the KZ

Breakfast is an important meal for Kazakhs. Traditional breakfast food in Kazakhstan includes lots of daily-based products such as milk and ayran. During the week, especially in the cities, people prefer to eat fried eggs, porridge, bread, jam, milk and berries for breakfast. Tea is the most popular morning drink in Kazakhstan –it’s the perfect way to start the day!


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