Vocabulary Training and qualifications
Put the sections in the correct order to
make a text.
Most young people don't know what they want
to do in life. Often finding a career
b fees, but they didn't have much money, so I
decided to try and look for a part-time
c exam, but I passed and I've been a museum
curator ever since!
d path is more luck than anything, I think. When I
left school, I started a university
e form. The course only had twenty places, and to
be accepted I had to take an entrance
f experience for a historian and I loved it. Then the
director suggested doing a training
g degree in History, my favourite subject at school.
My parents agreed to pay the course
h course to be a museum curator. It sounded
interesting, so I filled in the application
i job. I was lucky. I got a job at the local museum
giving guided tours. It was great work
1 a 2
2)1. Doctor need to look at your arm.
2.He look at this things like a scientist.
3. Нет такого глагола в первом задании.
4.When she takes offence at friends, she speaks in an ice tone.
5.Please, Do not wear this costume, everyone look at you.
6.Look at this, He is taking in our place.
7. Are you getting in bus?
8. Is she really 20(twenty)?
9. Why do you look at me so cross-eyed?
10. This dog looks like my dog.
11. Hurry up! She is waiting for your call.
12. Will you get off at the next stop?
Бабушка учит меня печь булочки с сахаром. Сначала она месит тесто, а затем делает из него формы будущих пирожков, посыпая верх сахаром. Дальше бабуля ложит их в духовку для запекания. Булочки начинают пухнуть и становятся румяными. Я достаю их и ставлю на стол. В это время закипает чай. Мы садимся пробовать получившееся блюдо. Очень вкусно получилось!