1. Match the genres of art to their descriptions.
1) still life
a) a picture featuring an arrangement of inanimate, everyday objects,
2) history painting
whether natural objects;
3) portrait
b) a painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually
c) a picture representing a scene at different locations, a view of
or townscape
natural inland scenery:
5) genre painting
d) a picture depicting an event or a moment in history:
6) masterpiece
e) a work of art such as a painting that is made with great skill;
f) a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face.
I FELT rather poor lately, so this morning at nine I WENT to the doctor. I FOUND him alone in his waiting-room, where he WAS STANDING by the window.
“Where ARE your patients? HAVE you CURED them all?” I ASKED.
“The reason why people AREN'T CROWDING into this room now is that on Wednesday I DON'T BEGIN consultations here until half past ten. Such HAS BEEN my habit for the last twenty-five years.’
I’m sorry I CAME too early I SAID, 'I WILL GO and COME BACK later“.
“Oh, no. I PREFER early patients to late ones. In the course of my practice I HAVE NOTICED the late-comers VISIT the doctor because they NEED some sympathy. They are like a dog that once CAME here with a sore paw; I BANDAGED it for him and while I WAS DOING this he WAS LOOKING at me with great lonely eyes. He CAME BACK the next day and every day until his paw BECAME well. I FOUND OUT that his master HAS GONE AWAY. The dog is old now but he IS still COMING.
Существуют три основные группы профессий: Профессии, торги, рабочие места.
Традиционно, профессия это- занятие, которое требует интеллектуальный труд и высшее образование в университете или академии. Таким образом мы говорим о профессии врача, профессии учителя, профессии инженера и т.д
Торговля- это профессия, которая требует высокий уровень мастерства рук и опыт практической, теоретической подготовки. Механики, слесари, портные, ткачи, парикмахеры и тд тоже учились торговать.
Многие профессии не являются не сделками, ни профессиями. Мы часто называем их "Рабочими местами" В этом смысле термин включает в себя работу неквалифицированных и недостаточно квалифицированных занятий с одной стороны, и занятия, которые требуют знаний и умственных навыков- с другой. Разделительные линии между торговлей, рабочими местами и профессий не всегда ясны