Люди нарушают закон не всегда по своей прихоти, часто люди вынуждены нарушать законы, хоть и знают что это плохо. допустим уклонение от уплаты налогов, в некоторых случаях, если предприятие будет полностью выплачивать налог, оно пойдет по меру, то есть закроется из-за убытков. иногда человек ворует из-за того что ему есть нечего и нужно кормить семью. люди открывают нелегальные магазины, подделывают продукцию не от хорошей жизни, на государственной работе платят копейки, которых в большинстве случаев не хватает даже на скромное существование, пенсионерам не хватает денег на лекарства, солдатам, которые стали , защищаю нашу родину, не хватает денег не на жилье, не на еду, не на те же лекарства и как после этого не нарушать закон, люди от голода гибнут.
c but: they waited some time for her, but she did not come down again.i went to work but she went shopping.i like japanese culture but i don’t like the food much.the house is nice but expensive.c and: my friends and i just got back from ireland.i left my hotel room and went to the beach.jim bought a pair of trousers, a shirt and a jumper. please come and visit us in the summer.c so: i've got a test next week, so i can’t go hiking with you.i heard a strange noise, so i went upstairs to see what it was.i was always interested in golf, so i decided to join the club.let's go to the cinema tomorrow.that film is so interesting.с because: she apologized because she came late.i fell on the floor because the chair broke.she studies hard because she wants to have good qualifications.because it was raining, we didn't walk long.
c but: they waited some time for her, but she did not come down again.i went to work but she went shopping.i like japanese culture but i don’t like the food much.the house is nice but expensive.c and: my friends and i just got back from ireland.i left my hotel room and went to the beach.jim bought a pair of trousers, a shirt and a jumper. please come and visit us in the summer.c so: i've got a test next week, so i can’t go hiking with you.i heard a strange noise, so i went upstairs to see what it was.i was always interested in golf, so i decided to join the club.let's go to the cinema tomorrow.that film is so interesting.с because: she apologized because she came late.i fell on the floor because the chair broke.she studies hard because she wants to have good qualifications.because it was raining, we didn't walk long.