Вопросы: Когда вы в последний раз ходили за покупками? Что вы купили? Завершите 15 предложений словами слева. 1. Сколько стоит этот свитер? Что за распродажа 2. Я должен купить небольшой размер, большие куртки. Я не знаю, какой у него размер. или (СМОТРИТЕ ФОТО СДЕЛАТЬ ВСЕ ЧТО НА ФОТО ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ НЕ ПЕРЕПИСЫВАТЬ ПРОСТО НОМРЕ И СЛОВО НА АНГЛ
No doubt that learning languages takes up a lot of time. That is why some people think that it would be better to have only one language on our planet. But will it be really beneficial for mankind?
In my opinion, the reduction of the number of languages is a disaster because it will totally destroy our great cultural heritage. With each loss of a language comes a loss of a culture, a loss of a way of life that deserves to be protected and treated as valuable. I also believe that leaving one language for communication will greatly reduce the linguistic diversity of our planet, which is the key to our survival. On the other hand, it will be rather difficult to choose which language to use and it may even lead to wars.
To start with, is that any human might think that if we have only one language, communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. Secondly, I cannot agree with them because knowledge of foreign languages makes a person educated and well rounded. You cannot broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. As a result, people are a lot more helpful if you speak their language.
On conclusion, I would argue that we should try our best to preserve the linguistic diversity of our planet. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.
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No doubt that learning languages takes up a lot of time. That is why some people think that it would be better to have only one language on our planet. But will it be really beneficial for mankind?
In my opinion, the reduction of the number of languages is a disaster because it will totally destroy our great cultural heritage. With each loss of a language comes a loss of a culture, a loss of a way of life that deserves to be protected and treated as valuable. I also believe that leaving one language for communication will greatly reduce the linguistic diversity of our planet, which is the key to our survival. On the other hand, it will be rather difficult to choose which language to use and it may even lead to wars.
To start with, is that any human might think that if we have only one language, communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. Secondly, I cannot agree with them because knowledge of foreign languages makes a person educated and well rounded. You cannot broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. As a result, people are a lot more helpful if you speak their language.
On conclusion, I would argue that we should try our best to preserve the linguistic diversity of our planet. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.
1.To take a deep breath and to hold it.
2. To open your mouth wide.
3. to poke your tongue out.
4. to turn over on to your left side.
5. to wash your hands.
6. to put on the glove.
7. to dip the suppository in hot water.
1. Держите голову неподвижно и следите глазами за моим пальцем.
2. Введите суппозиторий в прямую кишку; осторожно подталкивая его вверх.
3. Убедитесь, что у пациента есть моча.
4. Нажмите на звонок, если вам что-нибудь понадобится.
5. Храните это лекарство в недоступном для детей месте.
6. Пусть плечи расслабятся.
7. Отпустите его в палату.
8. Закашляйтесь в эту коробку.
принесите образец своего стула.
10. Дай им погаснуть.
11. Закройте глаза на минутку
12. Пойдем в кабинет.
13. Не забывайте принимать таблетки каждое утро первым делом.
14. Не позволяйте ребенку играть с полиэтиленовой сумкой.
15. Не снимайте повязки до следующего дня