все Present and Past времена. 1) it's very difficult to ... children nowadays .(raise)
2)the changes in the earth's atmosphere ... many changes in the weather .(have caused)
3) they used some cold water to ... the patient ... (cause to regain consciousness)
4) Matthew ... his father to his way of thinking .(has persuaded )
5) the manager ... the subject of redundancy . ( raised)
Hair: thick, smooth, white, long, grey, curly, bald, spiky, fair, brown, thin, dark(Волосы: густые, гладкие, седые, длинные, серые, вьющиеся, лысые, колючие, русые, коричневые, тонкие, темные)
Eyes: brown, blue, expressive, bright, grey, wide, pretty, round, dark, big(Глаза: карие, голубые, выразительные, яркие, серые, широкие, красивые, круглые, темные, большие)
Nose: wide, upturned, pointed, pretty, big(Нос: широкий, вздернутый, заостренный, красивый, большой)
Lips: big, thin, thick(Губы: большие, тонкие, толстые)
Chin: pointed, big(Подбородок: заостренный, большой)
Height: tall(Рост: высокий)
Age: baby, in his/her teens, youthful(Возраст: детский, подростковый, юношеский)
Build: plump, slim, overweight, skinny, thin(Телосложение: пухлый, стройный, с избыточным весом, тощий, худощавый)
Complexion: white, fair, rosy, youthful, tanned, pale, spotty, dark, smooth, brown(Цвет лица: белый, светлый, румяный, юношеский, загорелый, бледный, прыщеватый, темный, однородный, смуглый)
Not much.
2 Could you pass me some salt?
Sure. Here you are.
3 How many eggs are there in the fridge?
Not many.
4 Could you tell me how much it is.
Sure. Here you are. It's two pounds fifty pence.
5 May I watch TV?
No, you may not. It's time to go to bed.
6 Can I drink my tea?
Not yet. It's still very hot!
7 May I invite my friends?
Of course you may. What are their names?
Исправь ошибки - зачеркни лишнее слово
1. How many tomatoes are there ((are)) in the salad?
2. There isn't much ((of)) olive oil in the bottle.
3. We've got a lot of ((much)) jam.
4. Can I have a bar of ((a)) chocolate, please?
Лишнее слово взято в скобки.