Всем , нужна ! надо выполнить по тексту! текст: whatever general pinochet's fate, the law lords' ruling is a giant step towards establishing the rule of international law.over the past 50 years, nations have agreed a range of treaties outlawing the systematic murder, torture and arbitrary imprisonment perpetrated by general pinochet and his sort.many of these treaties explicitly rule out immunity for any official, including a former head of state.but these provisions have rarely been translated into national laws or applied by national courts.the perverse result has been that anyone who commanded the murder of thousands had nothing to fear from the law, while the murderer of a single person could be pursued to the ends of the earth. in general pinochet's case, individual countries have also shown themselves more willing than ever before to put a tyrant on trial.relatives of victims and survivors of general pinochet's brutal regime are scattered throughout europe.at their urging, prosecutors across the continent have launched proceedings.france, switzerland and belgium are now also seeking the general's extradition.authorities are pursuing investigations against him in germany, luxemburg, sweden and italy as well. : 1) найдите в первых пяти предложениях текста главные члены предложения. (подчеркните подлежащее одной чертой, сказуемое -двумя чертами. 2) выпишите из текста глаголы в функции сказуемого, определите их видо-временную форму и залог. 3) выпишите из текста неправильные глаголы, укажите три их основные формы и переведите на язык.
Kazakhstan is very beautiful country. It is one of the largest countries in the world.
The capital of the country is Astana. The Head of State is the President.
Kazakh is the official language; Russian is the language of international communication.
The territory of Kazakhstan stretches 3000 km from west to east and 1000 km from north to south. In the west and north Kazakhstan borders on Russian Federation, in the south – on Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Kirgiziya, in the east – on China.
The central part of the country is the Kazakh low hills with not very big mountains. The southern chains of the Altai Mountains are in the east and southeast. The south is covered with Betpak-Dala and Moiynkum deserts.
There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Ural, the Chu and the Syrdarya. The main lakes are Balkhash, partly Aral and the Caspian Sea.
The country is situated far from the oceans. The climate is sharply continental. In the north winters are long and cold. In the central part winters are not so cold, but in the south they are mild and warm.
Summer is dry; in the south it is very hot. It usually rains in the steppes in summer and in the desserts in spring. It is windy in all parts of Kazakhstan.
The wildlife of Kazakhstan is very different too. There are about 155 species of mammals. Most of them are rodents. There are a lot of hoofed animals: saigas, dzeheirans in the deserts, marals, deer in the lowlands. In the mountains wild boars, roes can be met. There are predators in Kazakhstan: wolves, foxes and weasels can be met. There are many species of birds too.
I think my country is the best. I like it.