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People have keptcats as pets for thousands of years. Cats aregood example of how___animal can help___people, by catchingrats andmice,for example. This is probably___most important reason ancient people had___cats.These days,many people have a cat at home,but they only keep it forpleasure.Sometimes the cat sits on owner's chair or knee, and the owner getspleasant feeling when that happens.
3. Zoo is a place where different animals and birds are kept. Zoo is a great attraction for children. Last Sunday I went to see the zoo with my parents. It is situated in Saint Petersburg. We bought the tickets and went inside. Many people had already come to see the animals and birds. First of all, we saw a lion. It was grand and royal. Then we saw some tigers. Then we went to see leopards, elephants, bears and foxes. Then we went to see the monkeys and some birds. The monkeys were jumping from one branch of the tree to another. Some monkeys were eating bananas. The birds in the zoo were very beautiful. I was very happy to see the birds. I saw some birds for the first time. Then we moved to a tank. It was full of crocodiles. We also saw some other water birds like ducks and cranes. We then saw snakes such as pythons and cobras. We spent six hours in the zoo and then came back. We enjoyed a lot in the zoo.
Мое любимое домашнее животное – котенок. Его зовут Чапа. Мой котенок очень толстый и добрый. У него небольшая голова. Его шея короткая. Его лапы маленькие с большими когтями. Его глаза зеленые и умные. Его ушки маленькие. Мой котенок любит молоко и цыплят. Больше всего Чапа любит спать и играть. Он очень смешной и игривый. Мы играем каждый вечер. Я очень люблю моего котенка. Я думаю, коты очень аккуратные и умные