Вставить нужные слова. 6. fill the gaps with a or the. there’s town in italy called pompeii. it stands near volcano. in 79 ad volcano erupted and it destroyed town and killed nearly all people who lived there. my friends live in old house in small town. there is beautiful garden behind house. i would like to have garden like that. there are two cars parked outside: blue one and gray one. blue one belongs to my neighbours; i don’t know who owner of gray one is. exercises: exercise 1 fill the gaps with a or the. one day young prince arrived at castle of king ottar and fell in love with king’s youngest daughter, who was very beautiful. ‘you can only marry my daughter,’ said king, ‘if you can recognize her, and you must marry the woman you choose.’ ‘that’s easy,’ said the prince, and king ottar put all his daughters behind wall that had space at bottom, so prince could only see seven pairs of feet, and feet all looked same. suddenly, one of feet moved and so prince said ‘that is woman i love.’ unfortunately, it was not; it was king ottar’s eldest daughter, who was not at all beautiful, but prince had to marry her. in fact, she was extremely intelligent and had a good sense of humour, so that very soon prince did fall in love with her and they lived happily ever after. moral of this story is that love is very unreliable thing.
КОМПЬЮТЕРЫ В КАЖДОМ ЖИЗНИ Компьютеры - часть нашей повседневной жизни. Они влияют почти на все, что вы делаете. При покупке продуктовых продуктов в супермаркете используется компьютер с лазерной технологией и штрих-кодом, чтобы сканировать цену каждого товара и представлять общую сумму. Элементы штрихкодирования (одежда, инвентарь. Большинство телевизионных рекламных объявлений и много фильмов используют графику, произведенную компьютером. В больницах, кроме терминалов, подключенных к основному компьютеру больницы, врачи разрешают печатать заказ на анализ крови и плауваты операции. Банки используют компьютеры для | заботьтесь о деньгах своих клиентов. В библиотеках и книжных магазинах компьютеры могут вам найти нужную книгу как можно быстрее.
Most recently, we built the first water slide. Currently under construction are two water slides. The plans to build another five slides and 3 pools for people who already know how to swim, 2 pools for those who want to learn to swim and 1 pool for children.
We also need to build changing rooms, showers, toilets, saunas. We also plan to open a coffee shop, what would people after swimming to rest after drinking the juice or coffee.
In the future we hope that this will become a popular water park that would relax with family and enjoy the time spent.