Вставить по смыслу пропущенные слова. Записать перевод предложений.
Fly taste post attend buy stay have go visit spend
1 They are going to sightseeing in the afternoon.
2 We can the museum this afternoon.
3 She wants to in a hotel.
4 How are you going to your weekend?
5 Why don't we a picnic on Sunday?
6 Do you know where I can these letters?
7 When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always souvenirs.
8 She wants to a performance at the theatre.
9 We always the local food when we're on holiday.
10 When are you going to to London?
B Underline the correct word. Выберите правильный вариант.
11 We are late so/because we missed the bus.
12 I was hungry, so/because I went to the fast food restaurant.
13 She is wearing a coat so/because it's cold today.
14 He is tired so/because he didn't sleep.
15 You have got a lot of homework, so/because you can't play basketball.
C Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, going to or will. Раскройте скобки, употребив
Present Continuous, going to или will.
16 We (go) to France next week.
17 She (study) history at university next year.
18 Be careful! You (have) an accident.
19 It looks like it (rain) soon.
20 Someone’s at the door! I (get) it!
Clock tower of Westminster Palace in London, also known as big Ben, the name of the bell on it, officially renamed the Elizabeth tower (The Elizabeth Tower in honour of Queen Elizabeth II. Reported by the Associated Press.
The official ceremony of awarding the tower of the new name was held on Wednesday, September 12. A sign with the new name of the tower was presented by the speaker of the House of Commons John bercow.
The proposal to rename big Ben appeared in the spring of 2012, shortly before the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Elizabeth II. on 2 June it became known that he spoke more than half of the deputies of the lower chamber of the British Parliament, and in late June the appropriate changes approved by the Committee of the House of Common
During winter holidays we celebrate the New Year’s Eve and Christmas. There are New Year parties for children at schools and theatres. Cinemas show children films and cartoons.
It is usually very cold in winter, but frost and snow can’t keep children indoors. It’s so great to go skiing down a hill. Boys like to play hockey on the ice. Many children go to the skating-rinks to skate. Small children play snowballs and make snowmen, or ride on the sledges happily.
When the weather is bad, I stay at home and watch TV. There is always something interesting on during winter holidays. Sometimes my friends come to see me and we play computer games or listen to music. There is also more time for reading, drawing, making model planes and other hobbies.
Holidays pass quickly and soon it’s time to go to school again.
Зимние каникулы короче, чем летние. Они начинаются в конце декабря и продолжаются около двух недель. Это так приятно отдохнуть от школы.
Во время зимних каникул мы празднуем Новый год и Рождество. В школах и театрах проходят новогодние елки для детей. Кинотеатры показывают детям и мультипликационные фильмы.
Зимой обычно очень холодной, но мороз и снег не может держать детей в помещении. Ведь это так здорово покататься на горных лыжах. Мальчики любят играть в хоккей на льду. Многие дети ходят на катки кататься на коньках. Маленькие дети играют в снежки и лепят снеговиков или весело катаются на санях.
Когда погода плохая, я сижу дома и смотрю телевизор. Во время зимних каникул всегда показывают что-то интересное. Иногда мои друзья приходят ко мне и мы играем в компьютерные игры или слушаем музыку. Существует также больше времени для чтения, рисования, изготовления моделей самолетов и других увлечений.
Каникулы проходят быстро и скоро пора идти в школу.