Вставить пропущенные слова The best looking person I know is my boyfriend
from school. He's in his m_ teens. He's very
h_ fact, he's g_. He's
w_ b_ and m_ because he
goes to the gym a lot. He's got l_
W_ brown hair, big brown eyes and a big
С_ (but not too big). He t_ to
wear imaginative clothes, l_ o_ f_
dinner jackets with T-shirts and jeans.
The modern world is in need of protection from environmental disaster. The biosphere is not able to handle the hazardous waste of our civilization and is starting to deteriorate, threatening the very existence of life on Earth. If we do not take urgent action to preserve it, then in the near future, mankind may be in a situation when there is no socio-economic relations, and other measures are not able to prevent an ecological disaster on a global scale.
The global environment continues to suffer. Continuing loss of biodiversity and the depletion of fish stocks, desertification claims more and more fertile land, the adverse effects of climate change are already evident, natural disasters are more frequent and more devastating, and developing countries more vulnerable, and air, water and marine pollution continue rob millions of a decent life.
Violations in natural systems caused by man-made type of economic growth, a particular feature of which is the de facto exclusion from the scope of the economic interests of economic entities relations nature. This specificity results in the formation of external effects. Externalities tse8 externalities - (English externalities) the types of additional savings or additional costs that do not depend on the activities of the enterprise, but the effect on the results. Not reflected in the market prices of goods, externalities are represented as the difference between the costs (benefits) for the implementation of the actual market transactions and the full costs (benefits) that take into account all the effects of external influences from the point of view of society. Therefore distinguish between private, external and social costs and benefits. Private costs (PC) - is the cost of market participants in operations related to the production of goods.
2) get up
3) wash
4) teeth
5) play
6) write
7) please
In the evening Martin listens to fairy tales and writes letters with his friends.
2 мая.
Дорогой Тайни,
Мне нравятся мои весенние каникулы. Я живу в деревне с бабушкой и дедушкой. Посмотри на фото! Я похож на своего деда?
Утром я не хожу в школу. Поэтому я просыпаюсь в 9 утра, умываю лицо и мою уши. Я не забываю о своих зубах.
Тут у меня много друзей. После завтрака мы играем в теннис и катаемся на самокатах. Вечером мы с друзьями слушаем сказки и пишем письма.
Я ложусь спать в 10 часов вечера.
Тайни, я скучаю по Билли и моим школьным друзьям приходите ко мне.
Твой Мартин.