вставить слова очень
to be fond of, believe, can relax, do not hang out, do not like, go for a walk, have been, like, listen to, live, master, surf, study, watch.
Hi, my name ….. Alex. My surname ….. Mironov. I ….. from Russia. I .…. in Novosibirsk. My birthday ….. on the 21 of May. I ….. born in 2003. I ….. a first year student. I ….. at Siberian State University of Railway Engineering. There ….. five people in my family. My father ….. a builder and my mother ….. a housewife. My hobby ….. reading and going in for sports. My favourite sport ….. swimming. In my leisure time I also ….. reading sci-fi books, ….. music and ….. sport events. My favourite singer ….. Freddy Mercury. When the weather ….. fine I ….. going out with my friends and playing with my dog in the park. My favourite place ….. the Zoo. I ….. there because I ….. ….. looking at animal kids. When it ….. cool or rainy out of doors I ….. the Internet or cook with my mum. I ….. ….. clubbing or barhopping. I ….. in shopping malls because there ….. many things to see and do. In warm seasons I ….. camping and hiking with my parents and brother. We ….. ….. to many places where the nature ….. marvelous. The most beautiful place in our region ….. the Altai Territory. My family ….. it a lot. In addition, I ….. English because I ….. it ….. important for good education, and I ….. good at it.
35-year-old Carolyn Jenkins, a British photographer, was seriously injured by a lion while on safari in South Africa last week.
She was travelling with two guides and three students from the University of Kent. The group approached a lion in their jeep, and Ms Jenkins then left the jeep to take pictures. She got very close to the lion before it suddenly attacked. The guides were able to scare the lion away, and Ms Jenkins was taken to hospital.
After the incident, the South African Tourist Board was issued a statement warning tourists not to approach wild animals while on safari.
Pushkin could not be more Nazionale and at the same time understandable for foreigners. He rarely counterfeited by the vernacular Russian songs, he expresses his thought as she appears in his mind. Like all great poets, he is always up to the reader: it grows, it becomes gloomy, menacing, tragic, his verse roars like the sea, like a forest, agitated by a storm, but at the same time it is clear, bright, shiny, eager pleasure, emotional disturbances. Everywhere Russian poet is real - there is nothing morbid, nothing of that exaggerated psychological pathology, from the abstract of Christian spiritualism, which are so common in German poets. His muse - not pale creature with frustrated nerves, wrapped in a shroud, it is - hot woman, surrounded by a halo of health, too rich true feelings to seek imaginary, quite unfortunate not to invent artificial adversity.
Пушкин как нельзя более национален и в то же время понятен для иностранцев. Он редко подделывается под народный язык русских песен, он выражает свою мысль такой, какой она возникает у него в уме. Как все великие поэты, он всегда на уровне своего читателя: он растёт, становится мрачен, грозен, трагичен; его стих шумит, как море, как лес, волнуемый бурею, но в то же время он ясен, светел, сверкающ, жаждет наслаждений, душевных волнений. Везде русский поэт реален, - в нём нет ничего болезненного, ничего из той преувеличенной психологической патологии, из того абстрактного христианского спиритуализма, которые так часто встречаются у немецких поэтов. Его муза - не бледное существо, с расстроенными нервами, закутанное в саван, это - женщина горячая, окружённая ореолом здоровья, слишком богатая истинными чувствами, чтобы искать воображаемых, достаточно несчастная, чтобы не выдумывать несчастья искусственные.
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