Марко поло в 1271 отец и дядя поло решили взять в путешествие своего 17-ти летнего сына марко. так началось знаменитое 24 летнее путешествие марко поло. путь до китая был долгий. старый хан хубилай принял семью поло радушно. старшие поло занимались торговлей, а юноша выполнял дипломатические поручения хана. он бывал во многих районах от побережья до восточного тибета. семья поло прожила в китае 17 лет. весной 1292 года флот из четырнадцати четырех мачтовых кораблей отплыл из порта зайтун. во время путешествия вокруг восточных и южных берегов азии марко поло узнал о японии, о островах индонезии, о стране чамбо на восточном берегу индокитая. из тихого океана в индийский корабли прошли малаккским проливом, сделали трехмесячную остановку на берегу о-ва суматра. после остановки на о-ве цейлон и плавания вдоль западных берегов индии корабли вошли в персидский залив и бросили якорь в городе ормузе. во время плавания по индийскому океану марко поло удалось получить некоторые сведения об африканском побережье, эфиопии, о-вах мадагаскар, занзибар и сокотра. семья поло добралась до черноморского города тробзона и оттуда на корабле вернулись в венецию.
1. By eight o'clock in the evening yesterday, I did homework, and half of the ninth, I was reading your favorite book. 2. When I met Tom, he went and ate ice cream, which is bought on a street corner in a small store. 3. When my mother came home, the children ate the soup, which she had prepared in the morning. 4. When I came home, my sister was reading a book that previously took in the library. 5. When I called Mike, he taught a poem that began to teach in school. 6. When I looked at it, he saw that the children were playing with a ball, which I gave them. 7. By seven o'clock all the children have finished their games and enthusiastically watched a very interesting cartoon. 8. When the father came home, we were preparing the mushrooms that he had collected the whole day yesterday
When I met Tom, he went and ate ice cream, which is bought on a street corner in a small store. 3. When my mother came home, the children ate the soup, which she had prepared in the morning. 4. When I came home, my sister was reading a book that previously took in the library. 5. When I called Mike, he taught a poem that began to teach in school. 6. When I looked at it, he saw that the children were playing with a ball, which I gave them. 7. By seven o'clock all the children have finished their games and enthusiastically watched a very interesting cartoon. 8. When the father came home, we were preparing the mushrooms that he had collected the whole day yesterday