Вставьте артикль, где необходимо: 1. on saturday we will go to _ football match at _ stadium in _ centre of _ city. there will be _ lot of _ people at _ stadium. they will come because it will be _ most important match of _ year. at two o'clock _ teams will come on to _ field and _ match will begin. 2. _ famous italian sculptor michelangelo lived in _ florence. once _ governor of _ city asked _ michelangelo to make _ statue. _ sculptor worked for _ two years and he made _ statue beautiful. when _ statue was ready, _ lot of people came to _ square where it stood. _ governor didn't like _ sculptor's work because _ statue's nose was long. he asked _ michelangelo to make _ statue's nose shorter. but _ sculptor did not do _ anything to _ statue, which is called _ david. david is one of _ best michelangelo's works. 3. _ australia is _ fifth continent. it is _ smallest continent and _ largest island on _ map. _ australia is _ english-speaking country. 4. when you look at _ sky in _ morning or in _ afternoon, you can see _ sun. _ sun is _ great ball of _ hot gases. _ earth is _ planet which moves round _ sun. 5._ ruduar kipling, _ famous _ english writer, was born in _ india. his parents were _ english. his father was _ professor and _ painter. he spent his early years in _ india. when he was _ six, parents sent _ boy to _ england where he went to _ school. he came back to _ india at _ age of _ seventeen. kipling travelled _ lot and wrote _ lot of stories.
2. _ the famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo lived in _ Florence. Once _ the governor of _ the city asked _ Michelangelo to make _ a statue. _ the sculptor worked for _ two years and he made _ the statue beautiful. When _ the statue was ready, _ a lot of people came to _ the square where it stood. _ the governor didn't like _ the sculptor's work because _ the statue's nose was long. He asked _ Michelangelo to make _ the statue's nose shorter. But _ the sculptor did not do _ anything to _ the statue, which is called _ David. David is one of _ the best Michelangelo's works.
3. _ Australia is _ the fifth continent. It is _ the smallest continent and _ the largest island on _ the map. _ Australia is _ an English-speaking country.
4. When you look at _ the sky in _ the morning or in _ the afternoon, you can see _ the Sun. _ the Sun is _ a great ball of _ hot gases. _ the Earth is _ a planet which moves round _ the Sun.
5._ Ruduar Kipling, _ a famous _ English writer, was born in _ India. His parents were _ English. His father was _ a professor and _ painter. He spent his early years in _ India. When he was _ six, parents sent _ the boy to _ England where he went to _ school. He came back to _ India at _ the age of _ seventeen. Kipling travelled _ a lot and wrote _ a lot of stories.