Вставьте MUST Или Have to 1. You look pale. I think you ... See the doctor.
2. It's very slippery outside. You ... run there.
3. You ... throw litter on the pavement.
4. Children look neat and clean at school.
5. You ... make noise in the library.
6. You brush your teeth before going to bed.
You ... fasten your seatbelt in a car.
8. Children ... watch TV a lot.
9. You ... light a fire in the forest.
10. You ... be friendly to other people.
Задание вроде бы не сложное, поэтому всего ))
На следующие летние каникулы я планирую провести у бабушки. Мне там очень нравится. Там весело, много друзей. Также там есть речка. Я в ней очень часто купаюсь. Я люблю бабушке. Если она не справляется, я ей Также я устраиваю вечеринки с друзьями. А еще, я отдыхаю от уроков и школы. Очень хочу лето и увидеть бабушку поскорее и друзей.
English :
I plan to spend the next summer vacation with my grandmother. I really like it there. It's fun, lots of friends. Also there is a river. I swim in it very often. I love helping my grandmother. If she does not cope, I will help her. I also have parties with friends. And still, I rest from school and lessons. I really want summer and see my grandmother as soon as possible and friends.