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Вставьте нужные глаголы am, is, are: 1. i am kate. i`m eighteen. 2. my brother …… little. he ……….three. 3. i have a kitten. it …black. 4. i have roses. they …. nice. 5. the ball……. small. it …. under the sofa. 6. the horses …….white. they …….. at the tree. 15. переведите на язык, употребляя глагол to be в present simple. 1. я - 2. он – летчик. 3. она – доктор. 4. ты – домохозяйка. 5. вы – студентка. 6. мы – ученики. 7. они – родители. 8. вы - учителя. 9. я – инженер. 16. complete the dialogue. about my family. -how large is your family? -………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. -have you got a lot of relatives? -…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. -what are your parents? -……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. -what kind of person are you? -…………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… -have you any brothers or sisters? -…………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… -have you any cousins, nephews, nieces? -…………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. -do you have friends? ………………………………………………………………. 17. вставьте артикль, где необходимо: he hasn’t got car. but he’s got computer. computer is new. my friends have got cat and dog. dog never bites cat. we wrote dictation yesterday. dictation was long. she has got ball. ball is big. they have two daughters and one son. her son is pupil. 18. установите соответствие: 1. there is a. children in the classroom. 2. there are b. two teachers in the classroom. c. a pupil in the classroom. d. a map and some pictures. e. a class-register on the table. f. many chairs in the room. 19. вставьте по смыслу have или has. i many friends at school. ann a lot of books at home. pete and kate a lot of english books. my friends and i much milk in the jar. tom’s uncle three children. their aunt good, clever daughters. her parents much work to do. 20. преобразуйте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные. 1. pete has got one sister. 2. ann and kate have many friends. 3. we have got a lot of relatives. 4. she has a flat with all modern conveniences. 5. i have three elder sisters. 21. вставьте нужную форму глагола (do, does, is, am, are) 1) he … not live here. he lives near the bank. 2) i … very hungry. … you have something to eat? 3) she likes dogs, but … not have one. 4) what … you want to read? 5) my brother … not like reading. 6) do you know where my new books … ? 7) why … you so angry? 8) … you often go to this restaurant? 9) donald … very tired. 10) we … not hungry, thank you! 11) where … your boots? … they clean? 12) … they know that john is coming? 13) she … not going to tell him the truth. she … not want anyone to know. 14) these vegetables …fresh. 15) why … you giving this sausage to the child? it … not too good. 16) the child … asleep. … not speak loudly. 17) he … not help his wife to do gardening. 18) this … a very bad imitation of swiss watch. 19) … not buy this newspaper. i have it at home. 20) what … he want to do with these products? 22. переведите на язык. 1. этот текст трудный. 2. эти письма короткие. 3. те комнаты хорошие. 4. принесите эти документы. 5. тот человек - мой учитель. 6. эти карандаши короткие. 7. та песня была популярной в году. 8. посмотрите на это примечание. 9. этот фильм был неинтересный. 10. те студенты изучают французский язык. 23. выберите правильное местоимение 1. give me/my that book, please. 2. help their/them, please! 3. can you tell her/she his/him telephone number? 4. look at their/them! 5. why are you asking my/me about its/it? 6. us/we have a cat. 7. them/their son is seven. 8. its/it is a good film. 9. they are meeting their/them friends at 4. 10. our/us cat’s name is molly. 11. take your/you umbrella today. 12. them/they have got a house in the country. 13. my/me father drives his/him car very carefully. 14. this is not mine/my, this is her/hers. 15. where is your/you sister? 16. she loves his/him stories very much. 17. she loves his/him very much.

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09.10.2020 12:09

Task 14

1. I am Kate. I'm eighteen.

2. My brother is little. He is three.

3. I have a kitten. It is black.

4. I have roses. They are nice.

5. The ball is small. It is under the sofa.

6. The horses are white. They are at the tree.

Task 15

1. I am a physician.

2. He is a pilot.

3. She is a doctor.

4. You are a housewife.

5. You are a student.

6. We are pupils.

7. They are parents.

8. You are teachers.

9. I am an engineer.

Task 16

-How large is your family?-

My family is not large at all, it consists of three people.

-Have you got a lot of relatives?-

No, I haven't. I haven't got a lot of relatives.

-What are your parents?-

My father is an engineer and my mother is a musician.

-What kind of person are you?-

I'm a friendly but modest person.

-Have you any brothers or sisters?-

No, I haven't. I haven't got any brothers or sisters.

-Have you any cousins, nephews, nieces?-

Yes, I have. I have got three cousins and a niece.

-Do you have friends?-

Yes, I do. I have two close friends.

Task 17

He hasn’t got a car. But he’s got a computer. The computer is new.

My - friends have got a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat.

We wrote a dictation yesterday. The dictation was long.

She has got a ball. The ball is big.

They have two - daughters and one - son. Her - son is a pupil.

Task 18

1. There is:

C. a pupil in the classroom.

D. a map and some pictures.

E. a class-register on the table.

2. There are:

A. children in the classroom.

B. two teachers in the classroom.

F. many chairs in the room.

Task 19

I have many friends at school.

Ann (=she) has a lot of books at home.

Pete and Kate (=they) have a lot of English books.

My friends and I (=we) have much milk in the jar.

Tom’s uncle (=he) hasthree children.

Their aunt (=she) has good, clever daughters.

Her parents (=they) have much work to do.

Task 20

1. + Pete has got one sister.

? Has Pete got one sister?

- Pete hasn't got one sister.

2. + Ann and Kate have many friends.

? Do Ann and Kate have many friends?

- Ann and Kate don't have many friends.

3. + We have got a lot of relatives.

? Have we hot a lot of relatives?

- We haven't got a lot of relatives.

4. + She has a flat with all modern conveniences.

? Does she have a flat with all modern conveniences?

- She doesn't have a flat with all modern conveniences.

5. + I have three elder sisters.

? Do I have three elder sisters?

- I don't have three elder sisters.

Task 21

1) He does not live here. He lives near the bank.

2) I am very hungry. Do you have something to eat?

3) She likes dogs, but does not have one.

4) What do you want to read?

5) My brother does not like reading.

6) Do you know where my new books are?

7) Why are you so angry?

8) Do you often go to this restaurant?

9) Donald is very tired.

10) We are not hungry, thank you!

11) Where are your boots? Are they clean?

12) Do they know that John is coming?

13) She is not going to tell him the truth. She does not want anyone to know.

14) These vegetables are fresh.

15) Why are you giving this sausage to the child? It is not too good.

16) The child is asleep. Do not speak loudly.

17) He does not help his wife to do gardening.

18) This is a very bad imitation of Swiss watch.

19) Do not buy this newspaper. I have it at home.

20) What does he want to do with these products?

Task 22

1. This text is difficult.

2. These letters are short.

3. Those rooms are good.

4. Bring me these documents.

5. That person is my teacher.

6. These pencils are short.

7. That song was popular last year.

8. Look at this note.

9. This film was boring (uninteresting).

10. Those students learn French.

Task 23

1. Give me that book, please.

2. Help them, please!

3. Can you tell her his telephone number?

4. Look at them!

5. Why are you asking me about it?

6. We have a cat.

7. Their son is seven.

8. It is a good film.

9. They are meeting their friends at 4.

10. Our cat’s name is Molly.

11. Take your umbrella today.

12. They have got a house in the country.

13. My father drives his car very carefully.

14. This is not mine, this is hers.

15. Where is your sister?

16. She loves his stories very much.

17. She loves him very much.

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